True Colors Personality Test

In taking the True Colors personality test, I learned that I am considered to have an orange personality, though I was nearly split between a green. People with orange personalities tend to be more adventurous, opportunistic and creative than those in the other three color groups: Gold tend to be organized and responsible, blue tend to be caring and compassionate and green tend to be more curious and determined. I think that orange with a minor in green, so to speak, is a good analysis of who I am and I can apply this information within my scholar’s group and within other group. I plan to apply it by using my tendencies to be opportunistic and creative to help groups that I am a part of work through solutions using out of the box solutions and new,           un-thought of ideas. I will also try to allow people that have different personalities to excel in what they are good at. For example, I would want people that have more of a gold personality to take to the planning and organizing of projects, as that is their strong suit.