By Hunter Sandwisch
I’m a member of the 2019 Ohio State ATI Homecoming Court. The Homecoming Court members are required to participate in one community service project. This year, we took part in Night to Shine. Night to Shine is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. The foundation’s web site says “Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 14 and older. This February 7, 2020, Night to Shine celebrated its sixth anniversary! On one night, 721 churches from around the world will come together to host Night to Shine for approximately 115,000 honored guests through the support of 215,000 volunteers!”
The Grace Church in Wooster, Ohio was the home for the Wooster Night to Shine, where we had around 270 guests as well as more than 300 volunteers. Guests could get their photo taken, go for a ride in a limo, play a variety of games, and walk the red carpet. There was also a caricature artist and a room for karaoke. I volunteered in the game room where we had a variety of different games to play. Players earned tickets for each game they played and were able to use the tickets to “purchase” prizes. There was dinner provided and participants were able to go out and dance on the dance floor. At the end of the night, the guests were called onto the dance floor and crowned either King or Queen.