From B.A. to B.S.

It’s been a bit hectic since my last post.

Trying to keep my head above water.

Enjoyed a brief Spring Break in Birmingham, Alabama helping two different families have quality homes of their own. Upon returning from Break, my momentum to finish the semester hit a standstill. I stopped doing homework (until the last minute), skipped classes (the minimum allowed before my grade gets docked), and my overall patience for professor’s bullshit has hit the ceiling.

I used to think of myself as a very impatient person, but it wasn’t until this semester that I realized how patient I actually am. Professors who continually change their syllabi and question why the majority of the class doesn’t have their work to turn in, might want to do some introspection. Maybe it’s you that is the problem. A syllabus is there for students so that they can have a clear idea of what is to be expected, when it is expected, and when that expectation needs to be completed by. Frankly, I am at the point where I just don’t give a fuck. If you, professor, are a hot shitty mess in your teaching methodologies, classroom expectations, and overall course…you should not be a professor.

I always anticipated my final semester as being the easiest one. It is in fact far from that. It is most certainly the hardest. One thing that I think future graduates need to know is the Exit Counseling. Overall the process is pretty simple once you have all the information you need to complete it. The part that is confusing and rather frustrating, at least from my perspective is the 10ish options for loan repayment. There are all of these options you have to choose from. GREAT! I love options! However each option comes with this petite 1/2 sentence description. Certainly this was of no help to me. I asked the Financial Aid advisor to assist me with the choices. She told me and I am paraphrasing “Just pick any of them you can always change it later”. I am sure that sounds great in her head…she is not the one that will be repaying my loans. Why do we not have an Exit Counseling workshop to help graduating students feel more confident in their choice of repayment?

This is my 7th year in a 4 year undergraduate degree (national average is 6 years for a 4 year degree). I, of course, changed my major 3 times, and added 3 minors, and ending in an English major with a minor in Education. I have had many opportunities to travel abroad, and throughout the nation. I have been allowed to take Honors courses, despite not being an Honors student. I have had two amazing jobs that have made me embrace my education, and inspired me to pursue a career in higher education. I have been voluntold to do a variety of campus and community initiatives. I have also created my own campus and community initiatives that have made me a better person, while helping others in need. It is in these 7 years that I have witnessed my friends graduate and fight to find a job. My resume is so packed full of experience, that it hurts anytime that I have to cut something out. I digress. It is through my friends’ experiences trying to find jobs post-graduation, that I have began my job search in February, 3 months before I will actually graduate. Since that time, I have applied at 20 different jobs. I have heard back from 3: 2 I was denied, 1 was already filled…a year ago.

As I am typing this, I have a paper to finish (400 more words on McCarthyism and Terror Management Theory…zzzz!), 2 readings, a quiz and 2 exams to study for for Monday and Tuesday. I have 22 days until I graduate from the Ohio State Newark campus, and 35 days until I graduate from The Ohio State University in The Shoe, and as the days vanish away from me, the emotions (anger, frustration, resentment, happiness, relief, exhaustion, sadness) continue to escalate more and more.

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me, but I wished my present were my past.

…and remember, GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!