June and July News!

Congratulations Fellows!

Jamison Law, Aubree Zimmer, and Austyn Lily were all awarded the CMBP fellowship this year!

Congratulations to Effie Miller for being awarded a travel award to give talk at Rocky Mountain Conference on Magnetic Resonance!

Congratulations Nathan and Sam for your prestigious recognition!!

Congratulations to Nathan Howell for receiving the highest recognition of exceptional teaching as a graduate student at OSU with the Graduate Associate Teaching Award!

Pictured left to right are Prof. Caroline Breitenberger (CLSE Director), Matt Misicka (CLSE Assistant Director), Jonathan Horn (CLSE Course Coordinator), Nathan Howell, Prof. Alicia Bertone (Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School at The Ohio State University), Prof. Shari Speer (Associate Dean at the Graduate School), Prof. Jane Jackman (Director of OSBP, Advisor to Nathan), Maria Abad de Partida (Jackman Lab Manager)


Congratulations to Samantha Dodbele in receiving outstanding scholar recognition by being awarded the OSU Presidential Fellowship!

A round of applause for these OUTSTANDING students!

Please join me in congratulating these students for obtaining awards in 2018 at conferences and for those who have been awarded travel grants!

Abigail Leggett

  • The FEBS Journal Poster Prize Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation at the 3rd NMR Gateway Conference, November 2-3, 2018
  • 1st Place Award for Excellence in Presentation of Scientific Data for a graduate student poster at the Metabolism of Infectious Diseases Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado in June 2018

Nathan Howell

  • Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2018, Poster Award, Honorable Mention

Jane Frandsen

  • CMBP and Center for RNA Biology Symposium Poster Presentation Winner
  • Travel Grant from RNA Society to present at 2018 RNA Society Meeting

Samantha Dodbele

  • 2018 RNA Society Travel Award
  • Outstanding Oral Presentation award at the 2018 Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Columbus, Ohio

Cami Schneider

  • MBTP Student Poster Competition Winner

Rebecca Steiner

  • Center for RNA Biology Travel Grant, OSBP Travel Grant

Hi everyone,

I wanted to pass on a memo that was sent from Graduate School Dean Bertone regarding raises to the minimum graduate stipend for the next two years.

– Samantha Dodbele (OSBP CGS Delegate)


Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to tell you that the minimum stipend for students on appointment as graduate associates has been increased to $16,515 for nine‐month, 50 percent Graduate Associate appointments ($1,835/month). This increase is effective beginning fall semester 2018.  To help you plan, the minimum stipend will be increased again, beginning fall semester 2019, to $17,280 for nine-month, 50 percent GA appointments ($1,920/month).

I am pleased to report that the colleges will be provided with the PBA (Present Budget Allocation) necessary to cover the minimum stipend adjustments for the 2018 increase.  More details will follow.

These stipend increases were recommended by the Graduate Compensation and Benefits Committee (GCBC).  The increases help us advance Ohio State’s goal of providing nationally competitive compensation and benefits to our graduate associates while recognizing the contribution of their efforts to our teaching and research enterprise.  We believe this decision reflects Ohio State’s obligation as a leading public, urban, land‐grant research university.

Many graduate programs already invest beyond the minimum stipend amounts required, and I encourage all programs to aim to reach the median stipend level of benchmark peers in their discipline.  Doing so is an important part of attracting and retaining excellent and diverse graduate students.

Please contact me if you have questions.




Alicia L. Bertone, DVM, PhD

Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School

Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Graduate School

250 University Hall, 230 North Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210


CGS Notes

Here are the notes from the recent CGS council meeting, attended by our group rep Sam Dodbele. If you have questions about CGS, feel free to talk to Sam or Blake Szkoda who is the Math and Physical Sciences Senetor.

Elections Meeting

We will be holding elections for all of officer positions on Friday, September 1st at 3 pm in Biological Sciences Building room 773! Pizza and drinks will be provided! We are looking forward to a great next year!

April CGS Update from OSBP Representative Samantha Dodbele

CGS Delegate Meeting Notes

  1. Senate Elections
    1. Biological Sciences- Yao Wan
    2. Food Agriculture and Environmental Science- Kyle Benzle
    3. Math and Physics Sciences Senator Seat- Blake Szkoda
    4. Humanities- Julie Dentzer
    5. Education and Human Ecology- David Bowers
    6. Business- Francis Hedgemire
    7. Engineering Sciences- Joachim Bean
    8. Arts- Jezzalyn Gowdy
    9. Professional Biological Sciences- Chloe Williams
    10. Social and Behavioral Sciences-Elizabeth Douglas


  1. New Business
    1. Amendment to Delegate Apportionment- Few seats were increased for a few programs based on increased numbers of students in these programs.- Passed.


  • Delegate Concerns
    1. Bus routes being shut down update- COTA never sought the university’s input before making these changes. Upper level people are looking into where they can bring this up to COTA. COTA says that no stops have been eliminated, but rather the have been restructured to be make more efficient bus routes. New maps are on the transit app.


October CGS Delegate Meeting Notes


    1. Senior VP for Student Life, Dr. Javaune Adams-Gaston aka Dr. “J”
      1. Buckeye Village- University remains committed to having good housing for students with families/ spouses. However there are changes coming to Buckeye Village availability/ reduction of people able to move in. 18% of BV will go away in the fall of 2017, everyone who is there now will stay there. But they will be able to accommodate the 18% loss (because not accepting new residents), no one will be displaced. Lead in water issues are all taken care of and over.
      2. Second Year Transformation Experience Program (STEP)- the reason why second year undergrads are now required to live on campus. Created to increase retention, sense of place and community, and academic success. Has so far proven to be a great success, OSU is currently the national model. OSU is working on a model that can be used for retention of graduate students (not necessarily dictating where grad students live, but in other ways).
  • Student Health Insurance- SHIP- had the possibility of being in danger for people on GRA, GAA (funded graduate students) because of national legislation (Affordable Care Act). Right now we are still covered under student health insurance, there are ongoing conversations going on between federal agencies and graduate student orgs to monitor the situation.
  1. Scarlet and Gray Financial Wellness Program- will help students understand how do taxes especially if they are on fellowship. Cannot help you prepare your taxes, but will help graduate students (esp those on fellowship) understand the forms they need etc.


  1. Officer Updates
    1. Treasurer- CGS Delegate Grant- Give a summary about how CGS can impact your graduate students, and write up the event. Up to 200$ for event. Google CGS OSU Delegate Outreach Grant- there is a new application.


  • Committee Chair Updates
    1. Research Committee for the University- Thinking to switching to electronic lab notebooks. What are your thoughts on this? Committee thinks this would be hardest for science and anthropology departments. Trying to become a university wide policy. To increase security of data, patents, etc. Can still keep written notebooks but must also keep electronic records.


    1. President Drake is visiting next month’s CGS Meeting- any topics you would like his to address? Topic discussed- A position being created for someone who can handle ethical issues/ PI problems (especially useful for smaller departments) who can mitigate problems and help create anonymity; fostering interdisciplinary contact; what is his vision for the graduate school.


  1. Issues
    1. Carmen- Carmen has a size limit (500 MB) per class for uploads.



Graduate Career Resources

Dear All:

This week’s email contains the following information:
  • Fellowship and Grant Opportunities
    • Yale Ciencia Academy for Career Development (NIH Initiative)
    • National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship
  • Career Opportunities
    • Career opportunities at the US Geological Survey

Please share these with your graduate students.

If you have items you would want us to include on these weekly e-mails, please send them to Fatima Vakil (



J. Marcela Hernandez, PhD
Graduate & STEM Diversity Director

College of Arts and Sciences Recruitment and Diversity Services

154 F Denney Hall, 164 Annie & John Glenn Ave, Columbus, OH 43210

614-292-2642 Office


I would like to share with you a program that will be of interest to graduate students, particularly those from Latino/Hispanic backgrounds. The Yale Ciencia Academy for Career Development is an NIH funded initiative (1R25GM114000) to connect PhD, MD/PhD, or PsyD students in biological, biomedical or behavioral research, with a network of diverse mentors, professional contacts, and role models who can help expand their opportunities for mentoring, peer support, networking, outreach, and professional growth and advancement.

The Yale Ciencia Academy seeks to complement academic graduate training by leveraging
CienciaPR.org, a large and diverse Latino/Hispanic scientific network. Key features of the program include:
  • Virtual chats with diverse role models and mentors who will discuss topics such as careers within and outside of academia, getting funded, securing a postdoc, getting published, time and project management, and work-life balance, among others.
  • Online video discussions between program fellows to facilitate networking, peer mentoring, and community building.
  • Workshops for the development of skills related to mentoring, networking, professional goal setting, scientific teaching, and science communication.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to impact their communities and put in place leadership and communication skills through science outreach activities like the publication of popular science articles, podcasts, or visits to local schools.
  • An annual face-to-face meeting (with travel, lodging and registration expenses paid) to take place during a large scientific conference (e.g. AAAS Annual Meeting) to extend opportunities for networking and professional development.
Additional information about the program, eligibility guidelines, and the application can be found at:www.cienciapr.org/yca. I would appreciate your help spreading the word about this program by sending the attached flyer to interested students, alumni, or mentees, or posting it in your laboratory or department. Registration closes November 23, 2016.
Deadline to apply for a 2017 award is December 9, 2016  at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

The NDSEG Fellowship Program is a three-year funding opportunity for students in or near the beginning stages of their overall graduate study and it is meant for students who plan to pursue research-based doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines.

The program provides awarded fellows with:

•       36 months of full tuition and mandatory fee coverage at any accredited U.S. institution;

•       A $1,000 medical health insurance allowance per each year of the three-year program tenure;

•       And $102,000.00 in stipend payments over three years.

Students can start applying to the program as early as their undergraduate senior year and as late as the start of their third year of overall graduate study.

The reason we are getting in touch with you today is because we would like to introduce this fellowship opportunity to you and your colleagues.

This year’s deadline for a 2017 award
is December 9 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

If this is of interest to you or your colleagues, please let us know!  We’re happy to answer any and all questions related to the program.

Additionally – if you or colleagues at your institution are eligible and interested, panelist registration for the 2017 NDSEG Digital Application Evaluation is now open at
https://ndseg.asee.org/panelists. This year’s evaluation panel will be held digitally throughout the month of January 2017. For more information, please contact our team directly.

Our team can be reached at
NDSEG@asee.org or at (202) 649 – 3831.
My degree is in Chemistry
We use chemistry to solve problems in climate change, carbon sequestration, volcanic hazards, water,

fish and wildlife disease, ecosystems health, water and ecosystem contamination, energy and mineral

resources, and more.

My degree is in Physics
We use physics to solve problems in earthquake, landslide, volcanic, and weather hazards, climate

change, glaciology, flood monitoring, aquifer flow, surface water flow, coastal hazards, solid earth

deformation, and more.

My degree is in Biology
We use biology to solve problems in ecosystems, fisheries, invasive species, wildlife, climate change,

river systems, paleontology, conservation and restoration, environmental health, and more.

My degree is in Engineering
We use engineering to create tools to solve problems in rivers and lakes related to drought, flooding,

water-quality, and invasive species, hazard monitoring, and more.

My degree is in Computer Science
We use computer science for climate modeling, water flow, satellite image analysis, data analysis, GISrelated

software development, map making, hazard risk analysis, ecosystems status and trends, and more.

My degree is in Geographic Information Systems or Geospatial Information Science
We use GIS and GI Science to solve multidisciplinary problems like understanding water availability, or

how terrain affects invasive species migration, and for creating complex digital maps, and more.

My degree is in Health Professions
We use knowledge of medicine and public health to address questions about cancer clusters, regional

disease, wildlife health, ecotoxicology, fish and wildlife virology, and more.

My degree is in Mathematics
We use mathematics to solve problems in fluid flow, climate modeling, animal migration, satellite

imaging, GIS applications, predictive models for hazards, and more.

My degree is Interdisciplinary
We bring together scientists from multiple disciplines, including the social sciences, to tackle complex

issues that have societal impacts.

My degree is in Geosciences
Come on, it’s the U. S. Geological Survey. Of course we have a place for you.

REMINDER: Halloween Mixer!!


Don’t forget, the annual OSBP-MCDB-Biophysics Halloween mixer is this Wednesday! The event will be held at Woodlands Backyard in Grandview, beginning at 6pm.Appetizers and candy will be provided.

We will be awarding prizes to those with the best costume and best dessert. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


See flyer for more details: mcdb-osbp-ibgp-halloween-mixer-2016

Reminder: Club Officers Election Meeting

With the new semester underway, we will be holding a meeting Wednesday, September 14 at 4:00 pm BioSci 773. This meeting will directly follow the First Year student’s orientation class.

This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in helping to run and organize our club. I strongly encourage first year students and younger students to participate as many of the current officers have graduated or will very soon and without your involvement, many of the activities we currently do will fall by the wayside.

At the meeting, we will discuss the summer and orientation events, this upcoming year, and start to put together a new budget. Most importantly, we will be holding elections for the officer positions. Positions are open to any student in OSBP, including the new first year students, who is currently in good standing with the program.

All positions within the club are open! A list of the positions can be found on our new student website: https://u.osu.edu/buckeyebiochemistryclub/
Every position can be ran by anyone, excluding president as the elected student must be post-candidacy to hold the chair position. This year we are particularly interested in finding someone to take over the Community Outreach Chair position.

If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in running for a position, please contact me before next Wednesday!

Hope to see you there,

David Heisler

Welcoming the New OSBP Cohort!

Our new group of students started classes today!


Institution (Original)

Burge, Nathaniel Lee

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Caldwell, Brian

Dixie State University
Chandler, Claire N

Heidelberg University

Dewal, Revati Sumukh

University of Mumbai/VIT University

Dong, Songyu

Tsinghua University

DuPlain, Holly Rochelle

Georgia Regents University
Greve, Jenna Marie

The Ohio State University

Hempfling, Jordan Patrick

Albion College
Howard, Zachary Mathew

Northern Illinois University

Jacob, Bryant Stephen

Case Western Reserve University
Jamshidi, Cameron

Miami University (Ohio)

Leggett, Abigail Marie

The Ohio State University
McNutt, Zakkary Alan

University of New Hampshire

Steward, Margaret

Delaware State College
Szkoda, Blake

Marietta College

Wormsbaecher, Clarrisa

Michigan State University

Outreach Opportunity

Are you looking for a fun way to give back to the community while adding valuable outreach and teaching experience to your resume? Come join us for our last volunteer event of the year!
This month we will be helping the 7th grade students at Hilltonia Middle School learn about photosynthesis through a fun and interactive activity! This demonstration will be during the morning of Friday, May 20th. The time commitment is flexible, so if you would like to help out but are only available for a limited time please indicate your availability.
We would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have as well as provide additional information if you would like to help out! 
If you are interested, please respond to the OSBP contacts, Tasha Manesis (manesis.3@osu.edu) or Janie Frandsen (frandsen.7@osu.edu), or the MCDB contact, Alecia Wagner (wagner.934@osu.edu), by Friday, May 13th.