OSBP plenary speaker
- Tracy Roach
1st Place Poster Award Winners
- Sam Dodbele
- Pepsi Holmquist
- Nathan Howell
2nd Place Poster Award Winner
- Lexie Kuzmishin Nagy
2nd Place Oral Presentation Award Winners
- Becky Steiner
- Janie Frandsen
OSBP plenary speaker
1st Place Poster Award Winners
2nd Place Poster Award Winner
2nd Place Oral Presentation Award Winners
Congratulations to Nathan Howell for receiving the highest recognition of exceptional teaching as a graduate student at OSU with the Graduate Associate Teaching Award!
Pictured left to right are Prof. Caroline Breitenberger (CLSE Director), Matt Misicka (CLSE Assistant Director), Jonathan Horn (CLSE Course Coordinator), Nathan Howell, Prof. Alicia Bertone (Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School at The Ohio State University), Prof. Shari Speer (Associate Dean at the Graduate School), Prof. Jane Jackman (Director of OSBP, Advisor to Nathan), Maria Abad de Partida (Jackman Lab Manager)
Congratulations to Samantha Dodbele in receiving outstanding scholar recognition by being awarded the OSU Presidential Fellowship!