Please join me in congratulating these students for obtaining awards in 2018 at conferences and for those who have been awarded travel grants!
Abigail Leggett
- The FEBS Journal Poster Prize Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation at the 3rd NMR Gateway Conference, November 2-3, 2018
- 1st Place Award for Excellence in Presentation of Scientific Data for a graduate student poster at the Metabolism of Infectious Diseases Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado in June 2018
Nathan Howell
- Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2018, Poster Award, Honorable Mention
Jane Frandsen
- CMBP and Center for RNA Biology Symposium Poster Presentation Winner
- Travel Grant from RNA Society to present at 2018 RNA Society Meeting
Samantha Dodbele
- 2018 RNA Society Travel Award
- Outstanding Oral Presentation award at the 2018 Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Columbus, Ohio
Cami Schneider
- MBTP Student Poster Competition Winner
Rebecca Steiner
- Center for RNA Biology Travel Grant, OSBP Travel Grant