Ray Travel Award – Funding Period 3

Reminder: Club Officers Election Meeting

With the new semester underway, we will be holding a meeting Wednesday, September 14 at 4:00 pm BioSci 773. This meeting will directly follow the First Year student’s orientation class.

This meeting is open to anyone who is interested in helping to run and organize our club. I strongly encourage first year students and younger students to participate as many of the current officers have graduated or will very soon and without your involvement, many of the activities we currently do will fall by the wayside.

At the meeting, we will discuss the summer and orientation events, this upcoming year, and start to put together a new budget. Most importantly, we will be holding elections for the officer positions. Positions are open to any student in OSBP, including the new first year students, who is currently in good standing with the program.

All positions within the club are open! A list of the positions can be found on our new student website: https://u.osu.edu/buckeyebiochemistryclub/
Every position can be ran by anyone, excluding president as the elected student must be post-candidacy to hold the chair position. This year we are particularly interested in finding someone to take over the Community Outreach Chair position.

If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in running for a position, please contact me before next Wednesday!

Hope to see you there,

David Heisler

Dr. David Nagib’s Game Changing New NIH MIRA Grant

Source: https://artsandsciences.osu.edu/news/new-nih-mira-grant-game-changer-drug-discovery

David Nagib, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry, just received a significant award that encourages promising new and early stage investigators to tackle ambitious, far-reaching projects that impact health. Nagib’s five-year, $1,749,619 “Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) Outstanding Investigator Award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds work on synthesizing medicinal candidates via a new strategy called Chaperones for Radical Relays: Enabling Directed C-H Functionalizations.

Nagib shares the significance of his research, the impact the new grant will have and the importance of collaboration.

How important is this grant to your work?

This NIH award is a game-changer for our laboratory for two main reasons:

  1. It provides stable, long-term research funding, so we can devote all of our time to research (rather than grant-writing), and;
  2. It allows us significant freedom and flexibility to pursue especially “high-risk/high-reward” ideas.

Can you explain how the NIH MIRA funding will allow you to do #2?

“Our research team is focused on harnessing free radical chemistry to manipulate the molecular structure of medicines – to improve their pharmacological activity. The BIG challenge is that we are going after C-H bonds, which are the most ubiquitous functionality in all medicines.

To do this, we must invent new strategies that are both unusually reactive and precise in order to selectively mutate a single C-H amidst a sea of similar C-Hs found in complex, organic molecules. We believe that free radicals hold the key to solving this problem.

“This award will allow us to continue pursuing important challenges in the modern field of C-H functionalization with ideas that are innovative and perhaps more high-risk/high-reward.

What is your ultimate goal?

Our dream is to build an entire synthetic toolbox of “radical relay chaperones” that will allow a chemist anywhere in the world to take a cancer drug, antibiotic or diabetes pill off a shelf and make more potent, targeted analogs from it … in a single afternoon. This could lead to a fundamentally new approach to designing and synthesizing improved medicines.

Your website shows a dynamic, energetic group of aspiring young scientists. Can you share how they contribute to the research?

Science is very much a team sport. Great discoveries require a strong, unified team working together to solve a big challenge from every angle. Luckily, I have the best labmates ever!

My colleagues include talented and passionate undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows. When you have a dozen people constantly helping you to design more clever experiments and then meticulously sifting through all the data, it’s much easier to do great science and make important discoveries.

IGP Career Day 2017: Call for Speakers

The 2017 IGP Career Day committee is now looking for suggestions for speakers.

If you know of someone who would be a valuable resource for current students, please email Christine Wachnowsky (Wachnowsky.1@osu.edu) with their contact information as we to put together another group of diverse and excellent speakers.


**Alumni, if you would like to speak about your experiences after OSBP, we would be happy to have you!