B. User Manual

Buckeyeship User Manual



Buckeyeship is a battleship-inspired game that takes place on two 10 by 10 grids. The left grid is for the Player fleet (you), and the right grid is for the OPFOR fleet (enemy). The OPFOR ships are invisible to the Player and can only be discovered by the Player hitting them. The game is turn-based, meaning that the Player and OPFOR will take turns trying to hit each other until one team completely sinks the other team’s ships.


Ship Descriptions:

Each team’s fleet will have the following ships:

Aircraft Carrier, 5 spaces long

Battleship, 4 spaces long

Cruiser, 3 spaces long

Destroyer, 3 spaces long

Patrol Boat, 2 spaces long

The hit points of each ship coincides with how long it is e.g. an Aircraft Carrier has 5 hit points because it takes up 5 spaces on the grid.

Each side has a total of 17 hit points, meaning that to win the game, you will need to score 17 hits against OPFOR ships.


Start game:

The title screen will appear saying “Buckeyeship” in red letters on a white background. To play a game, press the Spacebar key on your keyboard.



When a new game starts, ship placements will automatically be generated for both you and the OPFOR. Once the ship positions are generated you will be prompted to pick a location to hit. When prompted ‘Pick a location to hit’, guide your mouse cursor to the right-side 10 by 10 grid and select a space on that grid to hit with the left mouse button. The hit location must be a space that has not been hit yet, and it must be on the right-side 10 by 10 grid. When you pick a valid hit location, the space will show a marker. A red marker means you hit an OPFOR ship, and a white marker means you missed.

Once your turn is over, the OPFOR will pick a location to hit on your 10 by 10 grid (left side). If the OPFOR hits one of your ships, a red marker will appear at hit location. If OPFOR misses, a white marker will appear at hit location. The OPFOR behaves in a semi-intelligent fashion, meaning that it will not randomly select areas to hit for the entire game.



End conditions of the game:

Victory: You hit all OPFOR ship locations

Defeat: OPFOR hit all of your ship locations

Once the game ends, it will revert back to the title screen, allowing you to play a new game by pressing the Spacebar key.