G. Conclusions and Recommendations

The project of the software development went on with issues, but overall was completed with smart AI. The coding of the game does not have any flaws from the testing that was completed. The AI has the smart ability to pose an actual competition and to make it so opponents do not always win. The game does not have any flaws coding-wise and runs. As a group, the conclusion would be to add more elements to the code. Adding the B1G aspect as well as more advanced of the individual team playing as they do in the B1G.

The recommendation would be to have worked on the project earlier allowing more time to implement more code. This would include the B1G and even other “characters” that could play differently. This would make it so the battles that were played had more variety and people could decide what level. This could also be a project for the future and could continue. The recommendation overall would be to play the game now and make improvements as time goes on.