Welcome Page

Table of Contents

  1. Project Management
    1. Team working agreement
    2. Individual responsibility agreement
    3. Project schedule
    4. Meeting notes
  2. Business plan
    1. User identification and interviews
    2. Electronic/print advertisement
    3. Pitch video with demonstrations
  3. Software Development
    1. Introduction
    2. User manual
    3. Program descriptions for developers
    4. Final algorithm flow chart
    5. Final program with comments
    6. Discussion
    7. Conclusion and reccomendations
    8. References

Executive Summary

Group H made the game Buckeyeship. This game was to challenge players to a difficult game similar to the well-known game battleship. The group made code that has smart AI implemented into the game that the user will play against in a challenge. The game has original graphics and outlines that make it unique to other games as it does not look or act the same as other online battleships. This game is different in that there is no level of difficulty. Every round is the same AI, but the ships move and act differently. The game is meant to be a challenge that players will take time and strategy to beat. The game in testing runs on a loop to be played over and over again. The team that created it made it so the AI would impose a challenge.