TOEIC Resources


A photo of a TOEIC Prep Book and answer sheet with a pencil and an eraser.

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is one of many exams used to test the English language skill of adults. Unlike the TOEFL (which is used primarily for college admissions),  the TOEIC is often used to assess student English knowledge and communicative competency in a work environment where English the primary language used. The following is a useful list of resources for planning and providing instruction for the TOEIC.

As always, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn if you have any suggestions of useful resources to add to this list.

  1. Official TOEIC Preparation Materials: The official TOEIC website ( provides a range of preparation materials, including sample test questions, practice tests, and study guides. These resources are directly aligned with the TOEIC exam and can give students an accurate understanding of the test format.
  2. TOEIC Preparation Books: Several reputable publishers offer comprehensive TOEIC preparation books with strategies, practice exercises, and full-length practice tests. Some popular titles include “Barron’s TOEIC Test” by Lin Lougheed, the Kaplan series of TOEIC Prep books, and “The Official Guide to the TOEIC Test” by ETS.
  3. Online TOEIC Practice Tests: Numerous websites offer online practice tests that simulate the actual TOEIC exam. These tests help students familiarize themselves with the timing, structure, and content of the test. Websites like and provide free TOEIC practice tests.
  4. TOEIC Vocabulary Resources: Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for success in the TOEIC exam. Vocabulary books such as “Building Skills for the New TOEIC Test” by Lin Lougheed can be valuable resources. Additionally, websites like offer TOEIC-specific vocabulary flashcards created by teachers and students.
  5. Listening Practice Resources: The listening section of the TOEIC exam requires students to comprehend conversations and short talks. TED Talks ( provide authentic listening materials that can enhance students’ listening skills. Websites like and offer listening exercises with comprehension questions specifically designed for TOEIC preparation.
  6. Speaking and Writing Practice: TOEIC speaking and writing sections assess students’ ability to express themselves effectively. Encourage students to practice speaking English regularly by engaging in discussions, debates, and presentations. For writing practice, websites like and provide platforms for exchanging written essays and receiving feedback from teachers or native English speakers.
  7. TOEIC Study Apps: Mobile apps can be convenient tools for students to practice TOEIC skills on the go. Apps like “TOEIC Test” by MagikHub and “TOEIC Test Pro 2021” by Playquiz2win offer a variety of practice exercises, vocabulary quizzes, and listening exercises.
  8. YouTube Channels: Several YouTube channels specialize in TOEIC preparation and offer video lessons covering various aspects of the exam. Channels such as “TOEIC Official Channel” and “EnglishClass101” provide valuable insights, tips, and sample questions for TOEIC test-takers.
  9. TOEIC Online Communities: Online communities and forums dedicated to TOEIC preparation can be excellent resources for students. Platforms like and host discussions, study groups, and Q&A sessions, allowing students to interact with others preparing for the TOEIC exam.
  10. TOEIC Tutoring and Courses: Consider recommending or arranging TOEIC tutoring or preparatory courses for students who require more personalized attention. Many language schools and online platforms offer TOEIC-specific courses designed to improve students’ test-taking strategies and overall performance.

Remember to choose resources that align with your teaching style and the needs of your students. It’s also essential to supplement these resources with your own teaching materials, classroom activities, and mock tests to create a well-rounded TOEIC preparation curriculum.