Archivo de Español 3403

Este semestre (primavera de 2019), estaba inscrito en la clase de Español 3403, una clase de composición en la que escribimos cuatro ensayos y creamos una narrativa digital. Este es una de las clases más beneficiosas de Español que he tomado, porque podía usar el idioma en el contexto de sujetos que me interesa. Aunque a veces usé Google Translate, mis habilidades de escritura en español y en inglés han mejorado mucho durante este semestre. El trabajo final para este clase es subir cada de mis ensayos con una descripción corta de la tarea y que me enseñó.

This semester (spring 2019) I was enrolled in the class Spanish 3403, a composition class in which we write four essays and create a digital narrative assignment. This has been one of the most beneficial Spanish classes I have taken so far, because I was able to use the language in the context of topics that I am interested in. Though I admit to using Google Translate from time to time, my writing skills in both English and Spanish have improved greatly over the course of the semester. The final assignment for this class is to upload a digital portfolio with all the work we have done over the course of the semester. Below, you will find each of my essays with a brief description of the assignment and what I learned from it.


El autorretrato es un ensayo “sobre mi.” La tarea fue escribir un ensayo corto de nuestros gustos, disgustos, y las cosas que nos definen. Escribí sobre mi pasión personal de viajar, como mi interés empezó, y como viajar es una parte importante de mi vida ahora. Escogí este sujeto porque es una historia que yo conté mucho cuando explico porque tengo una concentración en los estudios internacionales y la geografía.

The autorretrato is essentially an “about me” essay. The assignment was to write a brief essay about our likes, dislikes, or things that defined us. I wrote about my personal passion for travel, how I came to enjoy traveling, and the role it plays in my life today. I chose this topic because it is a story I tell often when I explain to people the reason I chose to major in International Studies and Geography.

Autorretrato PDF

Ensayo Etnográfico

Para este ensayo etnográfico, necesitamos grabar una entrevista con un hispanohablante nativo, escribir una transcripción de la entrevista, y crear un artículo en el estilo del periódico. Elegí entrevistar Profesora Patricia Stuessy, mi profesora para la clase de Español 2202 la primavera pasada. Después de leer su biografía en el sitio de web de Ohio State, aprendí que Señora Stuessy ha vivido en muchos países diferentes en su vida, y por eso la entrevista se centra en sus experiencias y los pros y contras de vivir al extranjero. Al principio del semestre, estaba muy nerviosa para este tarea, pero tuve un buen tiempo con la entrevista y se convirtió en un de mis ensayos favoritos.

For this ethnographic essay, we needed to record an interview with a native Spanish speaker, write a transcription of it, and then compose a newspaper-style article about what we learned in the interview. I chose to interview Professor Patricia Stuessy, who was my professor for Spanish 2202 last spring. After reading her personal biography on the Ohio State website, I learned that Señora Stuessy had lived in multiple different countries over the course of her life, so I chose to focus the interview on her experiences and the pros and cons of living abroad. This is the assignment I was most nervous about for this class, but I had a great time doing the interview and it turned into one of my favorite assignments.

Ensayo Etnográfico PDF

Ensayo Argumentativo

Esta tarea es un ensayo argumentativo en un sujeto que yo elegí. Aunque, tuvimos escoger un sujeto que es un poco polémico para ilustrar los dos lados del argumento. Elegí escribir sobre la ayuda humanitaria entre los países más ricos y los países en desarrollos, porque es un sujeto que me interesa y que lo conozco bien debido a mis clases de los estudios internacionales. He escribido muchos ensayos similares en el pasado, pero la experiencia de escribir un ensayo persuasivo en español fue nueva y desafiante.

This assignment is an argumentative essay on a topic of our choice. However, we had to choose a topic that was controversial so that we could illustrate both sides of the argument. I chose to write about foreign aid, because it is a topic that I am interested and know a lot about thanks to my international studies classes. I have written many similar essays in the past, but writing a persuasive essay in Spanish was a new and challenging experience.

Ensayo Argumentativo PDF


Para esta tarea del cuento, nosotros tuvimos que escribir una historia corta y ficticia. He disfrutado la escritura creativa desde que era niña, pero recientemente no lo hice mucho (pero espero que cambiarlo). Entonces, este trabajo fue agradable porque tuve la oportunidad de practicar un de mis intereses. Curiosamente, esta historia también es sobre viajar – una mujer accidentalmente se pone en el vuelo equivocado. ¿Mencioné que me encanta viajar?

For this cuento assignment, we were tasked with writing a short, fictional story. I have enjoyed creative writing since I was a kid, but I have not done very much creative writing recently, though I hope to change that. So, this assignment was nice because it gave me a chance to do something I have an interest in but that I don’t have time to do very often. Interestingly, this story is also related to traveling as it is about a woman who accidentally gets on the wrong flight. Did I mention I really like traveling?

Cuento PDF

Narrativa Digital

La tarea de narrativa digital nos requirió adaptar nuestros autorretratos (del principio del semestre) y grabarlo como una narración. Tuve que ir al “Whisper Room,” un pequeño estudio de grabación aquí en Ohio State, para grabarlo, y de eso obtuve nueva experiencia con la tecnología de grabación. Ya que no tengo buenas habilidades con las computadora, no esperaba que esto saliera muy bien, pero estoy orgullosa del producto final.

The digital narrative assignment was to adapt our original autorretrato from the beginning of the semester and record it as a voiceover. I had to go to the Whisper Room, a small recording studio here at Ohio State, to record it, so I gained new experience with recording technology. We also had to make a movie using images related to our script, which I made using iMovie. Since I am not very skilled with computers, I did not expect this to turn out very well, but I actually think I did a good job and am proud of the result.

Cartography in GIS

This semester (SP19) I am taking my first Geographic Information Systems (GIS) class. Though my focus within geography is in the human geography/global studies realm, I am required to take two GIS methods classes for the major. I was dreading this as I usually don’t enjoy working with numbers or computers, but I decided to go into it with an open mind and have really enjoyed the class so far. I just finished creating the above map using the program QGIS for one of the labs in my class, and though it was a lot of work I actually had fun using trial and error and making sure all the elements were correctly placed. This rewarding experience has made me excited to take more GIS classes and maybe even add a minor in GIS, as it is a skill that is very useful to employers and applicable to my interests.