First-Year G.O.A.L.S.

The Honors and Scholars G.O.A.L.S. (Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development and Service Engagement) are an important part of the honors program at OSU. As a first-year, I have not yet started progressing on the G.O.A.L.S., but I have started thinking about what the G.O.A.L.S. mean to me and how I plan to pursue them. Below are some of my thoughts.

Global Awareness: As an International Studies major, global awareness is very important to me. I really enjoy learning about other languages and cultures, and I also plan to study abroad at least once (if not more times) throughout my college career.

Original Inquiry: I hope to do research in International Studies at some point in the next four years, though I do not yet know what that will involve. I am planning to complete an honors thesis so that I can graduate with research distinction, and I also may try to do research with an OSU faculty member if I find someone who’s research aligns with my interests.

Academic Enrichment: I plan to stay in the honors program and pursue honors coursework whenever possible. I am also planning to complete a double major and a double minor, which will require me to take a rigorous schedule each semester.

Leadership Development: I hope that as I become more involved in clubs and organizations around campus I will be able to pursue leadership positions. Currently, I am a member of the Collegiate Council on World Affairs, and I plan to join more clubs as I learn about more opportunities.

Service Engagement: I have been dedicated to service throughout high school, and I plan to continue that commitment throughout college. Right now, I am involved in planning the Eminence class of 2021 service project. I also plan to find a nonprofit organization in Columbus that aligns with my interests so that I can volunteer with them while also gaining experience for the future.

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