The Virtual Pastures for Profit Course is a 3 webinar series that will cover a variety of pasture and grazing topics. This webinar series is an AWESOME experience for all participants! Not only will participants be given access to the online course and webinars once registered, but they will also be given access to social events and other complementary resources THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2022! Participants will also receive a USB with the traditional course by mail.(Printed copies will also be available for purchase separately by request. By attending all three webinars participants will receive a certificate of completion! The first webinar kicks off on Thursday March 31st at 7:00pm! This session will cover core grazing education, evaluating resources and goal setting, getting started grazing and soil fertility. The webinar series picks up again the following week on April 7th at 7:00pm and will cover the science of grazing, understanding plant growth, fencing and water systems, and meeting animal requirements on pasture. The third and final webinar session will happen the following week on April 14th at 7:00pm. The final session will cover meeting grazing goals, pasture weed control, economics of grazing and creating and implementing grazing plans. The cost of this course if $50. If you are a current and/or new members of the Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council are eligible for a $15 discount on registration. You can register for this wonderful webinar by clicking here.