This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to increase your knowledge and to make your operation more profitable! The best part? You can EARN YOUR BEEF QUALITY ASSURANCE (BQA) CERTIFICATION AND RECERTIFICATION CREDITS!! During the event you will hear about:
Optimizing Forage and Fertility- James Morris, OSU Extension Brown County
Feed Sampling and Nutrient Anlaysis- Ted Wiseman, OSU Extension Perry County
Feedstuff Evaluation and Processing- Erik Scott, Scott Farms
Planning Cow Management and Feeding Mineral- Garth Ruff- OSUE Beef Cattle Field Specialist
Body Condition Scoring and Facilities- Stan Smith, OSU Extension Fairfield County
This event will be on February 24, 2022 from 9:00am-2:30pm with for a cost of $10 at Scott Farms, 9681 US 68, Georgetown, OH 45121. Hands on demonstrations along with LUNCH will be provided. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BY FEBRUARY 17, 2022! *SEE FLYER BELOW TO REGISTER.