Dr. Brown’s research featured in “Top 100 Science Stories” by Discover magazine and “Top Ten Science Stories” by 52-Insights

Work by Dr. Brown and Dr. Bhushan has been named as one of the “Top 100 Science Stories” by Discover magazine and one of the “Top Ten Science Stories” by 52-Insights.

oil water separation

“Cleaning oil spills could be as easy as scraping frosting off a cake, thanks to a nanoparticle coating developed by Philip Brown and Bharat Bhushan, engineers at the Ohio State University.” – Discover magazine (requires subscription) (pdf copy)


“The best technology is often inspired by nature. This simple piece of stainless steel mesh is modelled on lotus leaves, whose bumpy surfaces naturally repel water but not oil. The mesh works in the same way and could offer huge benefits in environmental clean-up operations.” – 52-Insights

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering news story


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