Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

The most useful thing I have learned in this module is how to take better notes during lecture. There are many ways to effectively take notes, but not every note taking format works well for everyone. I have figured out through the note taking strategies assignment that my ideal note taking form is a mix between an outline style and a bullet point style. I do not follow a strict outline with roman numerals or letters, but I do indent specific bullet points underneath main topics to show that they are an explanation or additional detail of a main point.

I already do part of the outline and bullet point styles, but in the future I would like to jot down questions in the margins of my notes. I often find myself thinking of questions during lecture, but am too caught up in note taking to raise my hand and ask. By jotting down the questions that I have as they come up, I will be able to remember and ask the professor later in the class or after class.

I would advise students to find the note taking style that is best for them by trying out different formats until they find one that works. As mentioned in the “Taking Notes in Class” video, take ownership of your own note taking style and commit to it. This will lead to the best note taking results.