Acronym Soup

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I had been feeling a tad technology illiterate then I read this L.A. Times article and realized I’m not alone in my insecurities when it comes to the complexities online/computer/gadget jargon, and might even (fingers crossed) be above the majority.

So in an effort to share knowledge, here’s a short breakdown of 9 commonly-used acronyms that I think are worth knowing.


  1. HTTP – hypertext transfer protocol
  2. HTML – hypertext markup language (definitely not an STD)
  3. URL – uniform resource locator
  4. 404 (ok not an acronym but this error message warranted a spot on the list)
  5. IP – internet protocol
  6. ISP – internet service provider
  7. JPEG – really just know this is extension .jpg and is commonly used for digital images, if you want to show off however “Joint Photographic Experts Group” is your ticket
  8. SEO – search engine optimization
  9. GIF – graphics interchange format (key tip: pronounce this “jif” like the peanut butter or face correction, or maybe, as evidenced in a condescending Wonka meme, you’ll become the enforcer)

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