Why We Should Consider the Nuclear Option on Mars

In 2019, SpaceX founder Elon Musk tweeted the idea that humanity should use nuclear weapons to terraform Mars for human life. The idea would revolve around creating a greenhouse effect on Mars that would heat the planet to tolerable levels. The heat generated would melt ice on the surface and provide water for the sustainment of life. This would also provide an opportunity to expend some of the many thousands of nuclear weapons on Earth that pose a threat to humanity. Rather than burying their radioactive material in a desert where future generations may stumble across them. Despite this, there is some pushback to the idea.

Although the idea sounds good in theory, many experts and scholars have reservations. First is the ethical question of whether we could nuke another planet for our own gain when there may still be life undiscovered. Another is the possibility of a nuclear winter that may cause the opposite effect than intended, freezing the water and surface even more by blocking out the sun with dust. Finally, is the question of whether there is even enough water present to remain in liquid form once melted. Regardless of these concerns, it is worth looking into this idea, as it is one of the few ideas with promise in our quest to expand humanity beyond Earth.

Mars Should be Nuked

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


  • Global Awareness: Coming from a very diverse community in Solon, I have experience with different religions, ethnicity, and practices. At the Ohio State University, I would like to deepen my understanding of people around the world and how they interact with each other, not only from an academic standpoint, but from a personal standpoint. ROTC and my studies of World Politics will help me to achieve this goal by exposing me to even more diversity and culture than I could have experienced elsewhere.
  • Original Inquiry: In coming to the Ohio State University, I have placed myself at the center of a wealth of information beyond anything I could ever imagine. I have not yet been able to fully explore the options set out before me, but I would like to dive further into the resources provided for research at the university. I intend to explore the options for information gathering at my disposal so that they can be put to good use when an item of interest arises.
  • Academic Enrichment: I plan on exploring courses within my major and also beyond in areas that interest me. Both the ROTC program and the Scholars program set GPA benchmarks for me which encourages me to preform at my best level. The Scholars program also offers many opportunities to expand my own knowledge by viewing guest speakers from across the professional spectrum. I hope to enhance my academic knowledge by attending as many of these guest speaker events as possible.
  • Leadership Development: I am a member of the US Army Reserve Officer Training Corps, which teaches us superior leadership skills so that we are prepared to lead US soldiers. Upon completion of the program and commission into the Army, I will enter the ranks as a 2nd Lieutenant in command of a platoon of soldiers, which is around 30 men and women.
  • Service Engagement: I plan on taking advantage of opportunities to volunteer my time to the community when the chance is given. Alongside chances to volunteer through the university or Scholars program, I will be given many opportunities to volunteer through ROTC and I will do my best to give back to the community around me.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Profile- Joey Elisar

Hailing from the small suburb of Columbus called Bexley, Joey Elisar is a second year PSL student and a current mentor for first year students. When he is not working to better the experience for new students, he spends his time as a referee for youth and intramural basketball throughout Columbus. He also enjoys watching football, basketball, playing video games, and participating in some of the many clubs offered on campus. You may also find him at his favorite place to eat, which is 12th Street Bakery, where he recommends the steak and egg bagel to anyone who visits. Being a PSL mentor is his favorite activity, however, as he finds it to be a relaxing yet very rewarding job.

Joey made his decision to go to Ohio State after deciding that the big school atmosphere was best for him, and with the campus being s very short drive from him, it was an obvious choice. He saw that Columbus was the ideal city as the diversity and size was sure to provide for an endlessly interesting experience. Combined with the financial incentive, these aspects drove him to make the commitment to join the Buckeye experience. His mother had urged him to become a member of the Honors program at OSU for the enhanced experience, but he was placed into the Scholars program by the university. After meeting the Politics, Society, and Law Scholars director Kevin Freeman over the summer before his first year, he grew excited about the program. Upon starting, he found it to be an excellent social experience with many opportunities to discuss politics.

As an adult, Joey hopes to obtain a law degree and to be able to move around the country to explore new things. His goals for the remainder of college include attending an away football game, to start a band and play the drums, switch to a double major in History and a science of some type, and to graduate from OSU with a degree in History. If Joey could have any job in the world, it would be a park ranger because of the enjoyment he gets from nature and helping others. Some tips that Joey includes offers to new PSLers at OSU are:

  • Do as many things as you realistically can
  • Make the most of your time at college, it goes fast
  • Go to class, don’t coast
  • Explore the city you live in, visit downtown Columbus

About Me

My name is Julian Broderick and I am a student at the Ohio State University in the class of 2022. I am majoring in World Politics and I am a member of the Politics Society and Law Scholars program. I am also a member of the US Army ROTC program where I am learning core leadership skills that will guide me when I commission into the US Army in the future. I am from the city of Solon, Ohio, which is a suburb of Cleveland. I played football for Solon High School for four years and graduated from the school with an Honors Diploma. I shared my home in Solon with my parents, my two sisters, Kelley(16) and Sydney(16), and my brother Sean(13). In my free time I enjoy driving around and enjoying the scenery around me as well as hanging out with my friends and making lasting memories.