Day 5


Today was the day we got to see the Queen!

By some incredible luck, the week we were in London just happened to be the week that the Queen opened Parliament!  When the Queen opens Parliament, it is a huge affair.  The streets are closed, and hundreds of people line them to watch the Queen and her entourage process down the road.

We got there pretty early to get front row views, and got to watch all of the activity proceeding the Queen’s arrival.  The iconic soldiers in their red uniforms and big black hats marched down the streets while a band played, and other important officials marched by on horses.  Member of Parliament drove by in their cars.  We even got to see Ambassadors from different countries and judges in their huge white wigs!

All lined up to see the Queen!

All lined up to see the Queen!

About fifteen minutes before the Queen arrived, her crown actually arrived first, which is tradition for such events.  It was transported in its own carriage to Parliament, which was really cool to see.  We had just seen the crown at the Tower of London, so to see it outside, in its own carriage nonetheless, was really amazing.  You could see in sparkling all the way down the street!

Finally, the carriages carrying the royals started to arrive.  First came Prince Charles and Camilla, and then finally the Queen herself.  Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip rode by in an ornate carriage drawn by six horses, waving to the people as they passed.  They were so lovely together!

I still can’t believe that I got to see the Queen of England, it was something that I never thought I would do!

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip

After the parade was over we were invited to Philippa’s house for lunch.  Philippa was so amazing and welcoming to make lunch for us after seeing the Queen, and it was so nice to spend some time with her at her home.

My favorite part had to be Philippa’s garden!  After grabbing my lunch, I walked through the back door, only to find the most amazing English garden tucked away behind her house.  It was absolutely beautiful, and Philippa told us that she did it all herself!

As I mentioned before, gardens are my happy place, and I certainly felt like I would die of happiness relaxing in Philippa’s garden, enjoying a nice lunch and afternoon.  I was really so grateful for Philippa, for inviting us into her wonderful home!

Philippa's beautiful garden

Philippa’s beautiful garden

Rose bushes at Philippa's

Rose bushes at Philippa’s

After lunch, we went to the Royal Opera house.  I was really excited for this, since I am a huge fan of the Royal Opera, and the Royal Ballet in particular.

It was so cool to see behind the scenes at the Opera House.  Learning all about how they transported their sets and moved them on and off stage was so interesting to me, especially since my major deals so much with process efficiency.  The Royal Opera certainly has their efficiency perfected, as they must to put on such elaborate shows!

My favorite part had to be seeing the dancers lounge and studios.  I absolutely love ballet, and the Royal Ballet is an amazing ballet company, so I was so excited to see their gorgeous studios and their behind the scenes life.  We even saw dancers walking around and preparing for their rehearsal, and I am not ashamed to admit that I kind of geeked out over them.

I kind of wish we got to see more on the tour of the Royal Opera House, but considering all of the rehearsals taking place, I was happy with what we were able to see (and of course, the dancers!!) Overall, I had a great time seeing the Royal Opera house.

Royal Opera House

Royal Opera House

This concluded our activities for the day, so we got dinner at Nando’s and then turned in early for the night.  What an amazing day!



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