Our Team Meet our team! Shannon Jarrott, Ph.D. Ohio State University Project Director Jarrott.1@osu.edu 614-247-1963 I want to use intergenerational strategies to harness community energy to address community needs and opportunities. Crystal Tyler-Mackey, Ph.D. Virginia Tech, VCE Project Director crystaltm@vt.edu 804-527-4235 I am interested in community building with Extension partners to address community needs using everyone’s talents. Jill Juris, Ph.D. Appalachian State Project Evaluator jurisjj@appstate.edu 828-262-6336 I am looking forward to working with communities to study the implementation of this intergenerational program towards health outcomes. Tonya Price, Ph.D. Virginia Tech Extension 4-H Specialist totaylor@vt.edu I am committed to supporting teens and connecting them to caring adults so they can develop resiliency skills to overcome challenges and thrive. Karen Tanner, M.Ed. Virginia Tech, VCE Unit Coordinator & Extension Specialist karent76@vt.edu I am looking forward to implementing intergenerational programing to support the health and well-being of teens in our community. Robin Stone, M.S. Ohio State University Extension Educator stone.363@osu.edu I am excited to help build bridges between teens and seniors and create synergy for community growth. Nicole Debose, MPA, MHA Ohio State University Area leader & Program Director with Extension debose.8@osu.edu I’ve always valued learning from my elders and loved to see their faces light up when they say I make them feel ‘young’. I look forward to applying my intergenerational experiences to community building and improvement.