Studio Work: 2

This week I did some anatomy studies on the oblique muscles because they’ve always been a mystery to me.  The pen/marker drawings look stiff, but I wanted to sketch a few women to combat all that testosterone haha.

I also started a new painting!  I am pushing myself to use colors less typically associated with outer space to see if I can still achieve the desired depth of field with my technique/gesture.  The painting will feature a jellyfish migration to the moon.  The earth will be in that blank space at the bottom, and the moon will be in the pink area, with the jellyfish subtly flying in between.  My goal is for them to be present, but not overwhelm the picture.  Once I get the background mostly finished I’ll add in the planets.  Part of me wants to use this in the TBD Exhibition, but I don’t know if I will finish it in time.  Maybe that doesn’t matter?  I’m not sure.




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