Studio Work: 5

I’ve actually spent most of my time away from the studio this week.  After my midterm conversation with Laura, I wanted time to think about the direction to take my space painting.  In the meantime, I started 2 other pieces:

One is a digital painting, for which I did some preliminary pose studies.  For the background I am loosely painting over a photo so I can make changes to fit my concept.  My experience so far:  Fabric is impossible. Why did I choose such a complex dress?!

The other piece is nearly finished.  The watercolor has been a nice break from oils.  I want to add a light grey shadow underneath the woman on the moon.  After that, I plan to make an accompanying piece of a sun goddess.  Fun detail: the moon’s eyes are brown/yellow and the sun’s will be blue because they are reflected in each other’s gaze. <3

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