This just in…
OCIO has announced that the retention schedule change for Zoom cloud recordings will NOT take effect on December 18, 2020; rather, that change will be delayed to February 5, 2021.
Read the details on’s article, published 12/9/2020.
The 270-day retention schedule will still change to 120 days, as of February 5, 2021.
This means any cloud recordings – all meetings or webinars – whether recorded from or within CarmenCanvas, on or before October 8, 2020, will be deleted on February 5, 2021. The 120-day retention schedule rolls forward from that date, and all new cloud recordings will be kept for 120 days.
When you log into, you will see this announcement on the landing page:
What’s the Effect on My Course?
This mainly affects instructors and courses where recordings need to be kept and used from semester to semester. The shift to 120 days’ retention was intended to give instructors coverage for “the current term”, but if you know you will be reusing your recorded content across multiple terms, make sure you archive those files to longer-term storage. (Zoom is not considered by OCIO/ODEE to be the location for long-term storage; think about utilizing Mediasite for that purpose, but also consider the storage limitations on Mediasite, too…)
Where Do I Put Recordings That I Need to Save, Long-Term?
OneDrive/Sharepoint – Individual users have 5TB (that’s “terabytes”) of storage assigned to them; an MS Team gets 25TB (again, that’s “terabytes”). You’ll be able to fit a lot of content into that area, but do some calculations of how much room you have taken up by all your other work-related content.
Mediasite – A fairly easy place to manage file/folder organization and viewing permissions for OSU-based folx; also, ODEE is working on setting up the integration with Carmen, soon-ish – that LTI will make it easier to continue scheduling from CarmenCanvas, and manage course recordings. Again, from the OCIO/ODEE point of view, Mediasite isn’t a super-long term storage mechanism; spend some time considering what chunks of your content need which retention schedule.