Zoom – Changes to Default Recording Settings / Upcoming Change to Cloud Recording Retention

Two items for the latest on Zoom:

1. Changes to Default Recording Settings (Gallery v. Speaker View)

OCIO has made a change to default recordings settings in Zoom as of the end of October, 2020 – to see the change, log into carmenzoom.osu.edu, and navigate to Settings – Recording.  In the Cloud Recording settings section, note the checkbox indicated by a red arrow:








With this adjustment, gallery view will not be automatically recorded in addition to the speaker view.

You can still get both recording versions by adjusting your own CarmenZoom profile; checking the box will ensure that both recordings are captured.  Note that the “Record active speaker…” checkbox applies by user, rather than to meetings (whether individual or recurring).

And note the options you have, once the checkbox is checked:

Zoom profile recording settings - options




2.  Upcoming Change to Cloud Recording Retention

**NOTE: [UPDATED, 12/9/2020] THE CHANGE IN RETENTION PERIOD FOR CLOUD RECORDINGS HAS BEEN DELAYED TO FEB. 5, 2021. The retention period will STILL be changed to 120 days, but it was decided to provide additional time for end-users to archive any recordings needed.  Still – go through your archive of cloud recordings, and ensure you have downloaded what you need, to longer-term storage.

For more information, see my latest post with more info and details.

At some point in November, the retention period for Zoom cloud recordings will be SHORTENED (less than 270 days); this change is to make best-practice use of back-end resources.  More info to come from OCIO, as the change date is formally announced.

(As a general best practice, it helps to every so often review your list of cloud recordings; the date on which each recording will be deleted is indicated for each entry. Download the file(s) if you need to archive.)