Carmen – SpeedGrader – How Do My Students See My Feedback?

SpeedGrader is a great way to take Assignment submissions in Carmen, and provide feedback not only on the overall work, but at specific points (“in-text” annotations) within the submission document.

Students may have problems finding the feedback you’ve provided – it is rather hidden… so how can your students see your comments?

Mike Bierschenk, of ASCTech, has constructed an excellent reference guide that you can provide in your course; it walks through:

  • New grade or comment notification;
  • Accessing the Assignment’s Submission Details page;
  • Layout of the Submission Details page (the all-important “View Feedback” link); and
  • Previewing and downloading in-text feedback.

A quick note about Notifications: remember that your students have control over what kind of notifications they receive from a course.  To learn more about Notifications preferences (both from the instructor and student views), check out the Teaching and Learning Resource Center’s guide.

I hope this helps you and your students; my thanks to Mike for sharing his excellent documentation!