Year 3/4 Vision Statement

As for my remaining time on campus, I would like to make the most of this phase of my life. As well as pursuing my goals, both personal and professional, I would like to enjoy the rest of my time at Ohio State and living in Columbus.

I would like to continue to pursue my dream of obtaining my DVM degree by gaining more experience in the field of veterinary medicine and focusing on getting good grades. I would also like to continue to develop lasting relationships with my professors and my peers. Next year, I would like to get involved in research, get involved in more service opportunities, and develop my leadership abilities more.

Personally, I want to continue to learn new things about what it means to be a Buckeye. I want to continue to make memories with the friends that have become my family here in Columbus, as well as allowing for opportunity to meet new people along the way. I want to continue to explore Columbus and have experiences that I can look back on. I am hopeful about my next two years of my undergraduate studies and I am excited to see what is in store for me.

Year 2 End of Year Reflection

This year has been a very interesting one. I have been pushed to my limits physically, mentally, and emotionally, and I made it through. I spent a lot of my time and energy focusing on organic chemistry this year, and it paid off. I am very happy with my academics this year. I took several classes this semester that absolutely broadened my perspective on the world including African civilizations, intro to animal sciences, intro sociology, and many more.

As well as my academics, I had a lot of fun experiences this year that I will remember for the rest of my life. I think my favorite part about sophomore year was going to the football games with friends. The football games are always a good way to take a break from school and just have a good time with friends and family.

I have had many experiences that will benefit me in my future career including volunteer experiences, working, and developing my leadership skills. I continued to volunteer at Colony Cats this year, which continues to bring positivity in my life. I also joined the Boo Radley Society this year which gave me the opportunity to meet new people and bring happiness into the lives of others. I worked as an office assistant for the Barrett/Nosker Complex this year, which helped me develop more communication skills and allowed me to develop my ability to wake up early in the morning. I also participated in STEP and BioSci mentors, which aided in advancing my leadership skills.

All in all, this year was difficult, but looking back on it, it was very transformational for me in all aspects of life. It taught me that resilience is possible and that I can truly accomplish anything with patience and a good amount of focus.

Year in Review

This semester has helped me grow as a student. The beginning of this semester was difficult. Living in a new state and adjusting to college life was a particular hard task for me. Throughout this semester I have developed efficient study habits and time-management skills. I have found people and activities to involved myself in that make me happy and proud to be a student here. I enjoyed getting involved in all of the activities offered by scholars because they opened up opportunities to meet new people who are interested in similar things as me.  I have learned a lot of things about myself in just the first fifteen weeks of school. I know that there is a lot more space and time left for me to grow, but I feel that this semester alone has helped me become a more efficient and confident student.