Career Exploration

In the career exploration process, I’d say that my current phase would still be the self assessment phase since I’m not entirely certain what I want to do. However, after completely the in class workshop, I learned that I am concerned with the welfare of others, I’m task oriented, and I’m risk taking. Well, I guess I can’t necessarily say that I just learned these things about myself, since I already knew them before. But I did learn that these qualities will help me determine what career is right for me and what will, in the end, bring me happiness because it isn’t all about money, at least it’s not supposed to be.

In class, I discovered that my RIASEC code is IRS, which means I am Investigative, Realistic, and Social. ONet offers a variety of jobs for my code, they all however do fall under the same relative category of medical professions, such as a surgeon, a radiologist, or an orthodontist. With the path that I am on as of right now would be Psychology major with pre-med track, and keeping this path in mind I would say that the assessment of my possible careers by ONet is accurate. However, I have been contemplating changing my major to environmental engineering, which does not match in to any of the jobs listed by ONet for my code. After this class I attempted to evaluate what I am passionate about and how my current path is helping me achieve my passions. But I realized, I don’t even know why Psychology anymore, and I don’t see myself becoming some doctor like I used to think. So for some reason, I’m not sure exactly when, I stopped being able to see my completion of the path that I’m on. I guess now my next steps are going to include a lot of introspective thinking about what I really want in my life and why I want it.

When I looked at Ohio States majors by RIASEC, I attempted to categorize the 2 paths that I am currently considering. I found that environmental engineering is classified under R, and both psychology and environmental engineering can be classified as I majors, and then psychology was found in the S category. So maybe in some ways I could be meant for both majors, but now the choice is just up to me. Who knows maybe next year there will be a third major I’m considering by the time next year comes around.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]