Earth Month Action Plan

During Earth month I will try to reduce my personal environmental impact by implementing the 4 following actions throughout the month. As well as educating my roommates and other peers about the importance of following similar actions, not just for the month of april but for the rest of their lives.

1.) I will use natural light as much as possible, and turn off the lights when they aren’t necessary. I will also unplug anything that I am not using to help conserve electricity. It may be difficult to remember to turn off the light when I leave the room or unplug anything not in use, so I will put a sign on the back of the door so before I leave I am reminded to do so.

2.) I will try to walk everywhere that I go if physically possible, and if not I will take a bus or a bike. To reduce my impact further I will not use food delivery services or uber/lyft when going places. It may be difficult to get used to walking more around campus to reduce my bus use but the weather is getting nicer and it is more enjoyable to be outside, so I don’t think this will be too hard. But by not using delivery services, I will have to make sure that I keep food in the dorm or go out to eat with my friends.

3.) I will try to recycle more, and reduce my use of paper/plastic products. I will recycle anything that I use that can be recycled and I will influence my roommates to do the same. I will only use reusable silverware and dishes from now on, no more plastic spoons and forks. I will use a towel to dry my hands instead of paper towels. It might be difficult to try to remember to recycle, so I’m moving our recycling bin next to the trash so that I can think before I throw something away.

4.) I will start to clean up trash around campus, in an attempt to reduce the littering around campus and promote a cleaner environment for any of the animals that live around here, like squirrels, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, moles, birds, etc. I will dedicate 1-2 hours to going around campus and cleaning up the trash, this might be difficult because campus is so large, but it will be made easier with use of the trashcans scattered throughout campus, so I don’t have to carry a bag of trash with me.

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