Columbus To Do List


This semester I have decided to utilize the German Village/Brewery District List to enhance my knowledge of the city we live in. I am really looking forward to learn more about German culture and what influenced the large German population in the area. I hope that this assignment will grant me some insight on the inner workings of the thriving city that surrounds our campus, and I wouldn’t mind finding a great place to eat.

14793767_1237740309610117_1865412268_nThis past weekend I visited the German Village with my friend Marisa, we had a great time walking around on the astounding brick roads and appreciating the beautiful architecture on our way around the village. We slowly made our way to the Book Loft, since this was one of the destinations that I was extremely excited to be able to travel to. The Book Loft is a book store that contains 32 rooms packed full of cheaply priced books in it’s 2 story glory, literally a book worms dream. Each room actually had it’s own music, allowing each customers to immedia14800942_1237740319610116_2118659517_ntely be transformed as they rifle through various sections of books. We were both encapsulated by the sheer amazement of the experience. My overall favorite part of the Book Loft would have to be the atmosphere of the location, it instantly turned into a divulging occurrence as you moved from room to room and each time were placed into a new unique happening where you could literally 14793686_1237740312943450_1695085469_nlose track of time forever. I would highly recommend the Book Loft to anyone who has a passion for books.

From the documentary on the German Village, I found the description of the amount of time and travel necessary to migrate from Germany to Columbus very intriguing compared to the fraction of time it would take today. Initially I questioned why anyone would travel that far to merely make it in Columbus, which was not a large city with vast possibilities of connections at the time. However, after watching farther it became known that the sponsor of many German immigrants was actually a resident in Columbus. It simply amazes me that it this man had chosen not to sponsor any German immigrants, the entire idea of the German village would probably be completely depleted.



2 thoughts on “Columbus To Do List

  1. I love reading your posts Alyssa; your writing style is great! I’ve always wanted to go to the Book Loft and German Village but haven’t yet. Maybe that’s something we could do as a group in the future? It sounds awesome!


    1. That would actually be so cool to go as a group! I highly recommend going individually though if the group doesn’t work out. ?

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