Change Through Science

1. Why do you think it is important that scientists effectively communicate their findings with stakeholders (citizens, industry, government entities).

2.  Think about an issue you’re passionate about.  How do you think science can be used as a tool to create positive change with this issue?

3. Regarding the lawsuit with the EPA, do you think Dr. Wilson’s approach will be impactful towards making change?  Why or why not?

If scientists don’t effectively communicate their findings with stakeholders, they are less likely to fully understand or care about the issue being discussed. If scientific language is used, people often zone out for lack of understanding. It is necessary for scientists to understand how they can best display results/analysis of their findings for the targeted audience. Otherwise, whether you’re directing information to the public, an industry, or government entities, you will be met with some resistance.

I am incredibly passionate about living sustainably and reducing my personal carbon footprint. We all need to chip in to reduce our impact on the environment in order to curb the effects of global warming in the future. I’m not sure how science could do more than they already have in attempting to convince people of the existence of climate change and the seriousness of the issue. I think science could probably make an attempt to relate the effects of climate change to everyday people, rather than pointing out the polar bears and bees and other creatures being afflicted. This would make people realize that the issue is a lot closer to home than they think.

Looking at the lawsuit that Dr. Wilson has filed with the EPA, it could be impactful in certain circumstances. The impact of her approach will ultimately be dependent on the EPA’s response. Essentially, if they offer her position on the board back and she takes it, the lawsuit will not be very strong or impactful. But if she goes through with the lawsuit, it could cause major uproar throughout the community since Ohio State is a research institution. Honestly, in my opinion, we will not see true change until Scott Pruitt is removed as the head administrator of the EPA. So, hopefully her lawsuit would lead to enough negative protests for Senators to back the removal of Scott Pruitt. Otherwise, I’m not sure what true change will take place.