Year in Review

Writing this review is kind of bitter-sweet for me. I am amazed at how quickly the time has gone by, but I’m also proud of myself for making it this far and becoming who I am today. Over these past 2 years, it would be impossible for me to choose a single highlight of my ENR Scholars experience, but I can say for sure that I wouldn’t give anything for the time that I have had with everyone and the friends that I’ve made along the way. In the beginning of the program, I thought I was at a disadvantage since I was housed in Lincoln, separate from the other scholars. But in reality, this allowed me to savor my time with scholars that much more.

I honestly don’t think that my college experience would have been this positive if I hadn’t had the opportunity to be involved with ENR Scholars, this amazing group has taught me so much and provided me with a lot of support in the various changes that I’ve encountered as a student here at OSU. Most importantly, I learned what it means to be part of your own community that becomes your family in more ways than I can count. Over the course of these 2 years in the program, I’ve turned my life around.

I’ve done things that I never thought I would do and ended up loving it, like backpacking. I changed my major from psychology to environmental engineering with minors in environmental science and EEDS. I am now Co-President of Students for a Sustainable campus. I am now a vegan and I refuse plastic straws and many other single-use plastics. I have an internship with the EPA this summer in the division of Air Pollution Control. So much has happened over the last couple of years and I couldn’t be happier with the changes that I’ve seen, not only with myself, but with everyone else in the program too. I can’t wait to be a mentor again next year, I want to stay involved with this program for as long as I can!

I never thought that I was really capable of taking charge of my own life, but ENR Scholars and the people in it has empowered me to redirect my chaotic journey to a single path with a purpose. Since I am moving off campus next year, I have already spoken with my landlord and will be establishing my own vegetable garden and beginning to compost. Honestly, the best advice I can give the incoming Scholars is to never be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone because sometimes, it is more rewarding than you ever could’ve imagined.