Mid-Action Plan Check In

My first 2 weeks of action have been going pretty smoothly, the first couple of days it was hard to get into a new routine of things but now I have a better hang of it. Probably the hardest part of my action plan so far was not doing any delivery of foods, I didn’t realize how many times I’d just get my food delivered so I didn’t have to leave the dorm. I think that I’m going to start delving deeper into my actions that I have planned because I feel like I am not doing enough, like I am doing the things I planned to do but it does not feel like I’ve done anything to change my impact on the environment. I’ve learned that I have been using too much energy unnecessarily, like leaving lights on and not unplugging things, which seems like just common sense at this point to do. I’m glad that the weather has been so nice outside because I’ve not used the bus once since I just want to walk everywhere. Over the next 2 weeks I don’t see any huge challenges getting in my way, until week 4, if the weather is bad it may be hard for me to be out picking up trash around campus. I’m also going to attempt to get my roommates more involved with similar actions as well, and I can only see a challenge with this by trying to convince them why they should perform these tasks. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to better educate all of my peers about the benefits of implementing plans like these throughout the years and how they can have a less of a negative impact on climate change. I think that too many people view climate change as something that is not their problem, or as something that they won’t be able to do anything about in their daily lives.