Welcome to Bottled Water

Bottled water is a product humans consume in great quantities, and its popularity is one the rise. A seemingly simple product, but there is in fact much more that goes into its production than one might think. For this project I will be following the production of bottled water; not only finding out all it takes for bottled water to go from source to shelf, but also tracking its geography and impact on the areas the production touches. .

I will be viewing seven of the steps it takes to produce bottled water as well as some of the facets of these steps that have particular geological impact on surrounding areas.

  1. gaining raw material from spring
  2. transport to factories
  3. Production, including quality assurances and bottling
  4. Purchase by vendors
  5. Shipping to vendors
  6. Purchase by consumers
  7. Various methods of waste disposal

Along with these steps I will include a map of the bottled water’s travels as well as the travels of other materials it takes to produce the final product.