
Global Awareness: To fulfill parts of my global understanding, I am planning on studying abroad at some point in my college career. Ideally, I would choose to study abroad somewhere in Europe, but I am certainly open to other options. I have been to Italy, India, and Canada for short vacations and I yearn to be more immersed in a different culture for a longer amount of time. I am also interested in volunteering for organizations that travel abroad to serve others.

Original Inquiry: I would love to be involved in psychology research work once I complete basic classes and gain knowledge that will help me. I have also talked to my psychology advisor about upper division psychology courses I will be able to take later on where I will be able to work directly with children.

Academic Enrichment: I recently switched to being a psychology major, and I am thinking of a human development and family sciences minor with possibly completing a second undecided minor. The major and minor(s) will fit together nicely, as well as give me a foundation of understanding people in my future career as being an occupational therapist.

Leadership Development: I plan on being involved in organizations which will allow me to grow personally through experiences and helping with others. Volunteering has allowed me to be more comfortable with being able to take charge and be more outgoing around strangers than what I was in high school, which will be good for me when I am put in serious OT shadowing or other working environments.

Service Engagement: Throughout this semester, I have had various volunteer opportunities such as helping with Run the Race and Fisher Impact Day. Spring semester I will be volunteering as part of BuckeyeREACH, where I will be spending time at a juvenile detention center somewhere around Columbus getting to know the kids there. I am looking forward to discovering even more volunteer organizations in the future that I can be involved in. I want to be able to give back to the Columbus community in any way possible.