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Month: October 2015
Year in Review
[ “Year in Review” is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student. You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year. For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
Global Awareness: To fulfill parts of my global understanding, I am planning on studying abroad at some point in my college career. Ideally, I would choose to study abroad somewhere in Europe, but I am certainly open to other options. I have been to Italy, India, and Canada for short vacations and I yearn to be more immersed in a different culture for a longer amount of time. I am also interested in volunteering for organizations that travel abroad to serve others.
Original Inquiry: I would love to be involved in psychology research work once I complete basic classes and gain knowledge that will help me. I have also talked to my psychology advisor about upper division psychology courses I will be able to take later on where I will be able to work directly with children.
Academic Enrichment: I recently switched to being a psychology major, and I am thinking of a human development and family sciences minor with possibly completing a second undecided minor. The major and minor(s) will fit together nicely, as well as give me a foundation of understanding people in my future career as being an occupational therapist.
Leadership Development: I plan on being involved in organizations which will allow me to grow personally through experiences and helping with others. Volunteering has allowed me to be more comfortable with being able to take charge and be more outgoing around strangers than what I was in high school, which will be good for me when I am put in serious OT shadowing or other working environments.
Service Engagement: Throughout this semester, I have had various volunteer opportunities such as helping with Run the Race and Fisher Impact Day. Spring semester I will be volunteering as part of BuckeyeREACH, where I will be spending time at a juvenile detention center somewhere around Columbus getting to know the kids there. I am looking forward to discovering even more volunteer organizations in the future that I can be involved in. I want to be able to give back to the Columbus community in any way possible.
[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career. Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated. For more information, go to: http://honors-scholars.osu.edu/e-portfolio. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
This was the first official painting I did in a high school art class. I had been in drawing classes up until the second semester of my junior year when I switched to painting. This is one of the physical things I am most proud of accomplishing. Even though it is very small, it took me a dedicated amount of time to complete it. It shows my perseverance to complete things to the best of my ability to where I will only stop until I am satisfied with the outcome. It also demonstrates the patience and attention to small, time consuming details which translates into my hard work with relationships and school.
This tassel was given out to my peers and me during the first week of school here at OSU. This embodies the hard work and dedication we as students must put forth to create a better future for ourselves. It symbolizes everything that we must do here, and the connections and relationships we make along the way. It unites us all as special individuals who chose to spend the next four or more years of our lives here. This is significant because it truly gave a glimpse of what the future can be, and how we will be able to flourish and strive for excellence.
This was a group project for ACES I completed with some of my classmates. We had to watch the documentary called Kids for Cash which centered around children and teenagers who were sentenced to longer and unnecessary time in juvenile detention centers as a result of judges taking kickback money from people who benefited from having full detention centers. This fits in with the ACES themes because it has to do with children and communities, and it brings to light the unfairness that still happens in the justice system.
About Me: Maya Bose
I grew up in a Chicago suburb called Naperville, which has a very diverse population of around 150,000 people. I attended Metea Valley High School in Aurora from 2011 to 2015, which has a student body of almost 3,000. Since I grew up in these large diverse environments, I knew I wanted to go to a college in a bigger urban area with lots of opportunities. Throughout my high school career, I was extremely involved in Metea’s Best Buddies and Special Olympics chapters, as well as being in the adapted gym class.
At first, I always thought I would end up being some sort of an artist. That’s what I dreamed of. I loved drawing and painting growing up–in fact, I still do. But from my Best Buddies, Special Olympics, and gym class involvement, I learned that my true passion is working with kids who have special needs. That is what I want to do with my life, but I definitely am not giving up art.
I want to go to grad school and earn my degree in occupational therapy. I mainly want to work with kids who have special needs, but I am open to helping others as well. I loved being able to help the kids master movements and skills needed to succeed in sports and activities; it made me so proud to know that I helped them accomplish something so big that they couldn’t do before. Having a career where I am able to help people around me is a must. I want to know I am making a difference in someone’s life. I want to leave an impact on society, even if it is on just a small local scale. I will not feel fulfilled unless I know I am directly helping others.