Photo of the strike at OSU (courtesy of The Ohio State University)
In the Spring of 1971, the Columbus Women’s Liberation presented a list of demands, titled “Comments on the Strike and on the Women’s Demands,” to The Ohio State University administration that attempted to outline the discriminatory practices OSU should (or, rather, must) strive to change. The list included demands such as equal hiring and pay practices, free child care for OSU affiliated people, the implementation of women’s studies related courses, and the prioritization of black students’ demands.
Also included in the list of demands were issues dealing with sexual health and sexual violence on campus. There was a need for a centralized Planned Parenthood on campus, a place where women are able to address sexual health needs in confidence. This demand was in response to the failures of The University Health Center, which apparently did not always keep confidentiality, and had barriers in obtaining contraceptives and related information from the center.
Under demand number one, “No Woman’s Education should be limited by her biological functions” , the idea of self-defense classes that counted towards physical education credit was also highlighted, “due to the University’s failure to provide adequate protection for women students” (Pg. 2). High rates of sexual violence cases on campus had informed this demand for safety.
In The Lantern article outlying the demands, written by a former Ohio State Women’s Liberation member, specifically challenges women’s representation within OSU affiliated publications, statements and advertisements, which is addressed more broadly in the list of demands. Specifically, Ohio State’s Women’s Liberation called for “an end to written statements and advertisements that depict women in narrow stereotypic roles or as sex objects in any University sponsored newspapers or publications”.
It is important to note that only some of Women’s Liberation Demands, almost half a century ago, have been met by the Ohio State University to this day.
Here are the full PDF versions of Women’s Demands and Black Student’s Demands:
womens_demands, aa_student_demands
Works Cited
Strike Photo and Demand Flyers. Digital image. Spring of Dessent: The 1970 OSU Student Demonstrations. The Ohio State University, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2016. <https://library.osu.edu/sites/exhibits/1970demonstrations/printmaterials.htm>.
Quinn, Karen. “Women’s Demands.” The Lantern [Columbus] 11 May 1971: 4. Print.