Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

The most important thing that I learned was just how important motivation is in terms of focusing. If youj don’t have motivation, you will have trouble focusing because your mind isn’t in the right place. In the video on slide 14

( it gave really good advice on how to stay focused. It said to only have the necessary material you need while doing work. This means leaving your phone somewhere else. This should help immensely with distractions because my phone is the biggest distraction I have. One method that I already use is taking breaks while studying. I feel like this helps a ton because I don’t get overwhelmed by new information. This way I can keep my motivation throughout my study session. I also feel like I remember things better when taking in information in smaller chunks instead of trying to learn hours worth information all at once. One thing that I want to implement is using exercise to de-stress. I think it has the potential to be really helpful with the learning process because if I’m stressed I’ll have trouble learning, so taking that stress away through exercise should help. If I had to give advice, I would say find out what motivates you. In my case it is instant gratification. Then do something that allows you to stay motivated, like making a to-do list. I do this because it is gratifying checking something off my list, so I stay motivated that way.

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