Global Engagement Night- Fashion Around the World (Campus)

At this Global Engagement night, there was a good mix of both learning and discussion. There was a relatively large turn out, and I went with around 5 other friends from the Smith-Steeb 8th floor. In the beginning, the student leaders gave a presentation on the ways people dress themselves around the world. Some of the countries mentioned included Nigeria, El Salvador, and China. Therefore, there was a broad range of cultures examined. What I really enjoyed about the event, though, was the group discussions we had throughout. Everyone had different point of views about the styles we were discussing, and the disagreement made for a good conversation as people were trying to explain their train of thought. We also talked about how fashion relates to expression, and how what someone wears can tell you a lot about their mood, culture, and personality. It was good to get new perspectives on these topics, especially because I can relate them to my future in the business world. I know that style isn’t the most important thing, but it is important to understand that every country has their own culture and style. Knowing that can help you better understand the people around you, and I hope to use that knowledge later in my career later in life.

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