
Help Willpower through College

The book I read called Hack Your Habits helped me come to terms with helping myself change the ways I look at things. If I look at things as a challenge that I don’t want to face, I will more than likely push it off until the last moment. The main goal I focused on was hacking into my habits to be able to establish a healthy relationship with motivation to accomplish my goals. (academic, life). Be prepared to achieve my goal of doing well in classes and not slacking while not feeling like I’m forcing myself to do the work and to stop procrastinating as much as I usually do.

Strategies the book mentions that I tried:

  • picking out a thing you want to accomplish and map It out, so you’re able to get it done promptly.
  • Reward System, reward myself for when I don’t pick up my phone
  • understand what motivates you.
  • A habit loop that you follow that shows you how you can break the loop.
  • Set a routine.



This book has given me insight on how to make myself a  more productive person. I enjoyed this project, and I am glad that I took this class to help me along my journey. It started with me reading the book, and during my calendar, but it didn’t seem to be helping; I wasn’t committed to it. I had to try and force myself sometimes and especially with everything going on now, but kept within limits on my calendar.

As I started to take it more seriously, it began to help me more with getting things accomplished and hacking into my old routines to replace them with new methods. One habit I did was placing the apps that I usually use to distract me away and give myself rewards after I got to a certain point in an assignment. One thing that takes away from me being motivated is my phone, so that was one thing I limited. It made me realize that the key to being motivated is to find something that motivates you not to take away from your doing.