Month of Action Check-In

So far, I have successfully been a member of the clean plate club at every meal. It has helped me to be more conscious of how much waste I personally create, not just food, but also other types for trash,…

Month of Action: Plan

I’m exploring the issue of inequality in food distribution, and how my day to day decisions in what I eat and how I give impact this inequality. Some possible actions to impact this task are very basic things that can…

Issue Exploration

To reiterate and clarify the issue I have decided to explore, I am looking into issues of food distribution as a whole, as well as nutrient distribution within that category. From exploring these topics, I would like to for a…

Issue Selection

This semester, I plan to research vegetarianism and food sustainability. It is a concept that I have never specifically researched, and it is something I am interested in. I know that there are issues with food and food distribution throughout…

Columbus To Do List Part 2

  The second place I visited for the Columbus To-Do list was the Olentangy trail. This walking and biking trail runs North to South and follows along the Olentangy river. I biked on the trail with Jason Hollick, and one…

My top three interest areas, according to the RIASEC survey, are Realistic, Social, and Enterprising. The Realistic interest area defines its members as doers. I definitely think this applies to me, as I like to be hands on and see…

Columbus to do list part 1

I have chosen the nature and outdoor activities list for the Columbus to do list assignment. I chose this list because I have heard about some of the parks and locations before, but have not been to all of them….

Sapling-Mentor Interview

During my interview of my peer mentor, Taylor Sollars, I learned many things about her plans in life, her involvement at OSU, her involvement in the ENR program, and how I might learn from her experience and apply it to…

VIA Strengths Survey

VIA Strengths Inventory: Top Five Honesty: Speaking the truth but more broadly presenting oneself in a genuine way and acting in a sincere way: being without pretense: taking responsibility for one’s feelings and actions Spirituality: Having coherent beliefs about the…

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a…