
Dayshas Final Post

Through this course  learned what a blog truly is because I never understood it until I actually made one. I learned how to comment back my ideas on the blog posts of my peers that have also been taking this class. There was a lot that I know was meant for me to learn but I was already aware of the topics and how they applied to me. Most of the topics and subject fields would definitively benefit somebody who had no prior knowledge or possibly enhance the knowledge that someone already had. I have l learned that I am an intuitive and visual learner. Even though I already knew I was a procrastinator, I learned the extent and high level of it. I learned that I need to stop putting things off last minute because something could come up and leave me with an unfinished task that might not only let me down, but also let down one of my coworkers or students that I might be working on an important project with.

The most meaningful experience in this course is the series of self assessments because if one does not get to know themselves, there is less hope in getting to know other things. A person has to understand how to think and how they process information understand and truly get to know who they are now and who they want to be. Self assessing allows a person to see themselves in a different light that they might have blind to before. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are can teach who what you can do exceptional well and what you might need a little work on.

I will take what I have learned about myself and what I have acquired and I will allow it to help me as I start off my first year of college and I can use these tools for the rest of my life. It is so easy to walk away from something and not see how it helped you because when you look at it you think about the time that you put into it that you could have been doing something more pleasurable and less time consuming. If we look at things for what they truly are and what they are worth to us,  then we can fully see and understand what they do for us. It often seems like the most boring things or the things that allow us to think and reflect are the things that we do not want to do. We often overlook the things that we should look right in the eye and it is no mystery as to why e do so. We often put our pleasures above our pains, even if our pains will help us grow and become the best people that we are capable of being. This class has allowed me to see that I am more than I have shown through my work and procrastination and I will carry that with me forever.


Searching and researching

Most people know how to simply put a topic of choice into the google search engine and to simply scroll through the results until you see what you are looking for. It is important to remember that sometimes a topic needs to narrowed so that it will not be too wide that you cannot dig in depth about the  intensity or rigorous information presented on the topic that you have displayed interest in. It is not just typing a topic in and hoping for the best results that you will receive them. It is breaking apart the topic into smaller pieces that can allow the topic to be dissected and molded into whatever way you decide to learn about if for yourself, or present it to others. it is essential to question the reliability of cites because not all of them have all true information. Some sites allow people to add their own posts, ideas and comments and these are posts that should not be considered reliable. Official cites with official names and websites that do not allow viewers to directly respond on the page are more reliable. It is never safe to believe everything that the first site you find comes up to. It is important to search through multiple sites and see what information is consistent and what information has inconsistencies.

Web enhanced listening and viewing strategies

In this module I have learned about different strategies that I not only when it comes to taking notes but also listening instead of just hearing and being active when it comes to that. Organization is always important because it allows you to see clearly what is ahead of you and inspires you to look back and reflect on what you had. When it come to taking notes, it is important to stay engaged with the speaker so that the information will be easily attainable and easier to get down on paper. A speaker often emphasizes what is important to him/her which means that the things emphasized are usually the  most important and should not be overlooked because odds are those are the subjects that will come up at a later time. It is important to not only hear what someone has to say but really apply it to yourself and see where it is relevant to yourself. Taking notes is an active process. It requires more than just copying words said aloud on paper because one cannot learn simply by copying. One must comprehend what is said and analyze it I n a way that they can apply it to themselves.





people stop reaching for their goals out of fear. It is too often that people know others more than themselves. Sometimes you have to set others free so that you can be the person that you are called to be.  People do not realize that they have the power to change lives and change the world. You have to allow yourself to have the power of your on life. No one else can take that power away from you unless you allow them to.

This video enhances my learning of the topic by showing people who have been defeated, but their persistence makes all the difference. it shows hope and how standing apart from others can make you unreachable.  The video gives clips of the pursuit of happiness and how the man kept fighting through his disappointments and when no one could see anything more for him, he was able to see it for himself. it is a representation of what come out of being exactly who you are and not being afraid of what you are capable of and who you are supposed to be.

Online tools

There are several online posts that students can use for online tools. Usually people search for tips that they specifically need and there are usually sites that will direct them to the specific tools that they used. It is easy to find reliable sources but it is also easy to find unreliable sources. It is important to have a sense of source reliability because you do not want to be steered down the opposite path that you are trying to travel down. it is important to make sure that you look out for contact information, author’s credential’s, and publication reputation. It is also important to acknowledge information quality because if there is not a consistency of information then it might not be that reliable. It is important to be open to different sites because most of them are truly designed to help you. If there are millions of sites designed to help you then there are a fair amount of them that are reliable. It is important  to outline what you hope to get out of the research. t is essential to take notes  about the sites so that you can see which site is most reliable and so that you can always go back to the site for more information.