Module 7: keys to motivation for online learning

I really enjoyed this module. There was a lot of information regarding distractions ang getting things done. Specifically on slide twelve when it talks about the amount of time distractions take up. Christine says on average distractions take about twenty three minutes and fifteen seconds to recover from. Even if the distraction is only about one minute. I totally agree with this statement as it happens all the time. I like to just check social media or hop on clash of clans. I have been practicing assignments where I don’t have a phone music or tv. The results proved well; because I feel a lot happier, things get done faster, and I can stay even more focused than usual. Slide thirteen also proved as a really helpful resource that I will remember. Apps like Forest and headspace seem like really awesome apps to keep me on track. I’m not sure if it’s just me but; I work a lot better when I’m,Osten to calming chill music compared my usual playlist. If I am trying to really remember something then I will probably not listen to music at all. Music can be great for writing papers, solving equations ,or doing math. For me listening to music is very distracting when trying remember something. On slide fifteen the idea of multitasking being demotivating; because we look back on the amount of time we’ve wasted and see just how little we have done. This is one of the most accurate slides I have ever seen. It is a terrible feeling. I do this when I feel like I do t have a lot of work to do so I usually take my time doing the assignments. This is very bad because it leads to more distractions, time being wasted, then I look up and see six hours have gone by without me doing a lot. One thing this module has taught me practice is effective study skills. One thing I put into practice was working without distractions; however I also take a 8-10 Minute Break every 35 minutes. This is one most useful pieces of advice I have received. I understand a constant study session is important; but you will drive yourself mad if you don’t take a break. When practiced this I finished my assignments a lot faster than usual, and I had way less stress. I will never forget this information; and will continue to put into practice since it works so well. I will master this habit, so I can help other people one day.

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