Welcome! שלום-עליכם
This web site has been designed to provide some information about my research, teaching and other professional activities.
It also provides some resources and links for people interested in discourse analysis in education and the ethnographic study of reading, writing and literacy in classrooms and communities.
Most of my scholarship has involved collaborations with colleagues, teachers, and doctoral students (many of whom are now professors and scholars themselves). There are numerous links here to these collaborative research projects and to the people with whom I’ve been honored to work.
There are also links here to the Department of Teaching and Learning at Ohio State University and to the Language, Education and Society area of doctoral study and the Adolescent, Post-Secondary and Community Literacies area of doctoral study; these are the areas in which I teach.
For many years I have been interested in Jewish literature for children and in particular literature for children grounded in Yiddish culture and language. There are links to web pages here reflecting those interests as well.
Please feel free to contact me. זײַ געזונט
Contact: David Bloome, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, 225 Ramseyer Hall, 29 W. Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43214 USA <davidbloome@gmail.com> 614-292-0711 general office