Title pretty much says it all. I found a camera that hadn’t been checked in when it was returned. So please be sure to double check. If you scan an item in twice it doesn’t hurt anything at all, so there is nothing to worry about there.
A couple more things…
Hi all…just a couple things to be aware of…
Hi all, just a couple updates as we close out the semester!
By the way, great job with the game of shelves–it’s getting really tough to pick the best section!!
Make sure to look at photo ID when checking out
I had a student admit to me that she used her friend’s student ID to check materials out from the library. Personally, I’m not always great at scrutinizing ID photos. But we should watch for this sort of thing. Lately instead of swiping a student’s ID card, I’ve been manually typing in his or her information (e.g. student ID number or name)–this way when I’m typing I can take a good look at the photo without being super-obvious.
In other words: 1) Always look at the photo on the ID 2) Use my technique if you need a little help in this area.
Close the check out screen when you’re finished checking out
I recently had two different people report to me that there were books on their records that they didn’t remember checking out. I found the books filed in the back, but the patrons had no recollection about checking the books out in the first place. So here’s what I think happened. I think the patron’s record was left up in check out mode, AND I think the tag reader picked up on a book that was nearby by mistake.
Always make sure to close out of the check out screen when you’re finished with a transaction — check out screen shown below (feel free to ignore the fines on my record)
A mouse!
If a student would like a traditional mouse to go along with the wireless keyboard (occasionally people ask), we now have one in the equipment drawer along with the headphones and markers. It’s not barcoded, so the student is on the honor system.
Manual Checkout
In case Sierra ever goes down and you have someone who would like to check out, we have a manual checkout sheet you can use. It’s now located in the top drawer of the silver filing cabinet with the group study room sign up sheet on top. It’s in a manila envelope labelled “Manual Checkout” — pretty easy right? Just fill out the form and leave it on the circulation desk. When Sierra comes back up, we can enter theinformation. Also, when the computers are down, we need to see a University ID with current fees paid sticker (instead of just a driver’s license or student ID without sticker).
Hello all,
Just a couple things this week:
1) The stylus for the DLA is missing, so keep your eyes open. It disappeared sometime between the end of last week and the first of this week.
2) Remember to record technology and reference questions (it’s important!)
3) A few tips on keeping the stacks looking nice:
That is all…have a nice day!
Hello everyone,
As you may know, we’ve recently come up with a new system for keeping track of the questions/transactions we handle when working at the public service desks. It involves recording questions electronically via SurveyMonkey. This allows us to more easily track and analyze how the library is being used. So remembering to record your questions is very important!
Here’s a brief guide with examples as to how to record different types of questions. The two “surveys” we’re using are Reference and Technology (shortcuts to the surveys are kept on both the desktop and on the internet browser’s toolbar). As library staff, we will be using the Reference survey for most of our questions.
1) Directional: Directional questions are pretty self-explanatory–they almost always involve “where” questions
2) Basic Reference: Most questions you are asked will be categorized as basic reference. They are short library-related questions that can easily be answered (less than 5 minutes) and can be on a wide variety of topics.
3) Advanced Reference: Advanced questions involve more in-depth assistance (more than 5 minutes) and generally involve more traditional library “reference” questions.
If a student tech worker is at the Tech Help Desk, refer technology related questions to him or her. However if the tech desk happens to be busy, please take the question if you can answer it (e.g. Can you show me how to print?). Also, take the question if it’s easily answered (e.g. Is the printer working?).
One of the most common questions that student library workers get is How do I print? If you answer this question, under the survey section “Cause of Problem,” select “No Problem – General Request.”
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!