OSU Students: Have a favorite professor? Nominate them for the Excellence in Teaching Award by April 1st. Here’s the link: http://go.osu.edu/mansteachingaward
Game of Shelves (starting 3/23/2016)
For something fun to do for the last 5 weeks of the semester, I’ve created a competition titled “Game of Shelves”– and yes, the idea is a blatant rip off of the TV show. The idea is that you each have your own section of the stacks that you’re responsible for (consider it your kingdom, but actually it’s your shelf-reading section). Each week I will pick the section (or kingdom) that is in the best condition. Vanessa and Kay will also be judges. Here’s what we’ll mainly be looking for 1) Shelves filed in correct order 2) Tidy looking shelves (I’ll give you more details on this in person).
Also, just for fun, I’d like you to create your Game of Shelves name. My name is Khal Laurador Clegane (Master-at-Arms). Vanessa is Princess Vanesansa Tyrell. Type your name in the comments section below please 🙂
Anyway, at the end of the semester the student with the strongest kingdom (the most wins in “battle”) will be given a Panera giftcard–although honestly, I think I’ll have a tough time judging, which is why I’m enlisting Kay and Vanessa to help.
Let me know if you have any questions!