
OSU Students: Have a favorite professor? Nominate them for the Excellence in Teaching Award by April 1st. Here’s the link:  http://go.osu.edu/mansteachingaward

Game of Shelves (starting 3/23/2016)

For something fun to do for the last 5 weeks of the semester, I’ve created a competition titled “Game of Shelves”– and yes, the idea is a blatant rip off of the TV show. The idea is that you each have your own section of the stacks that you’re responsible for (consider it your kingdom, but actually it’s your shelf-reading section). Each week I will pick the section (or kingdom) that is in the best condition. Vanessa and Kay will also be judges. Here’s what we’ll mainly be looking for 1) Shelves filed in correct order 2) Tidy looking shelves (I’ll give you more details on this in person).

Also, just for fun, I’d like you to create your Game of Shelves name. My name is Khal Laurador Clegane (Master-at-Arms). Vanessa is Princess Vanesansa Tyrell. Type your name in the comments section below please 🙂

Anyway, at the end of the semester the student with the strongest kingdom (the most wins in “battle”) will be given a Panera giftcard–although honestly, I think I’ll have a tough time judging, which is why I’m enlisting Kay and Vanessa to help.

Let me know if you have any questions!



Buckeye Ambassador and Watch the Screen

The Buckeye Ambassador program needs new people, but please don’t leave us. Although if you’re interested, it is possible to do both 🙂 If you would like to be a BA or know of anyone who would make a good BA–here are the requirements and such:


  • 2.75 GPA
  • 2nd semester Freshman or greater

Desired Qualities

  • Involved on campus
  • Charismatic/Personable
  • Buckeye Pride!
  • Responsible and dependable


  • Campus tours
  • Student Panel participation
  • Program and Recruitment assistance

Time Commitment

  • Weekly: 2 hours a week for campus tours
  • Mandatory admissions events throughout the year
  • Campus partner assistance if available
  • Orientation

Advantages to being a Buckeye Ambassador!

  • $500 per semester scholarship (up to $1,500 annually)
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Team building and leadership experience
  • Experience with collaborating with peers, staff, faculty, and members of the community

When checking in items from shipment, make sure the items actually belong here. I’ve found a number of items on the hold shelf that belong at other libraries (for example, I found 4 items the other day that were actually Lima’s requests). So as you’re checking in requested items from shipment, pay attention to the messages on the screen–it will tell you if the item belongs elsewhere. Of course someone made a mistake by sending these items to us, but we do need to make sure to catch the mistake and re-route them to the proper location.

Helpful hint: Materials that have been requested by us should have 521 written somewhere on the OhioLINK sticker. OSU items should have MAN written somewhere on the paging slip. But the best method as always is just to carefully watch the screen when checking in items 🙂

That is all…

3/7/2016 Update

  1. Career Prep Etiquette Dinner

In case anyone is interested…

Thursday, March 31

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Ed Pickens Café on Main, 28 N Main St., Mansfield, OH

Transportation will be available if needed.  Students should email, Schopieray.4@osu.edu  or call, (419) 755-4234, Pam to request a ride.

Cost:  $5.00 per student.  Tickets are available in 156 Riedl Hall.

2. Change to shelf reading assignments:

Since we have a new student worker (and since Berlinda finished her section, whoa!), I re-figured some of the shelf reading assignments:

Jialing: A – E449 (Rows 1-3)

Berlinda: E449 – KF4124.5 (Rows 4-6)

Raven: KF4150 – PS507 (Rows 7-9)

Joi: PS507 – ZZ (Rows 10 – 12) + Juv Lit, Oversize, DVDs, etc

3. Remember to check in library equipment (after checking for all the pieces)

Recently one of our regular patrons received a bill for a “lost” camera (30+ days overdue) in the amount of $550. As it turns out, she had actually returned the camera on time–it just didn’t get checked in by us. So please make sure you scan the item’s barcode after verifying all the pieces parts are present. This reminder goes for me too!

4. I am still doing performance reviews. I’ve just had other projects the past few weeks that have taken priority. How about we plan on doing the reviews, during the week of March 21. For real this time.

That is all for the week. As always, thank you so much for all your hard work (and let me know if you have any questions)!