Shelf Reading Assignments

Greetings all,

I know I haven’t shown you how to do shelf-reading yet–but it’s coming! So in order to start shelf-reading, I’ve assigned each of you your own section to be in charge of:

Tatianna: A – E449 (Rows 1 – 3)

Rita: E449 – KF4124.5 (Rows 4-6)

Teresa: KF4150 – PS507 (Rows 7 – 9)

Jamekia: PS507 – Z (Rows 10 – 12)

Raven: Leisure, Juv Lit, Oversize, DVDs, Leisure CDs, and audiobooks (Row 12 – 13)

So sooner than later, I’ll be training with each of you on shelf-reading–trust me, it’s not bad!

6 thoughts on “Shelf Reading Assignments

  1. Raven:

    The leisure book SD card has been corrected and should work just fine. The only problem there should be with the juv. lit. one is that the books are so thin, you may have to slide the DLA between each book at you read it. As far as the DVD’s, it should read them o.k. but it’s telling you that any in a series are out of place because the DLA doesn’t recognize the vol. numbers. I am currently working on this with 3M.

  2. I’m wondering if the SD card just needs swapped out? If you were working on the Leisure section on Saturday, the SD card for the regular stacks was probably left in the reader–which would give a message like “item not found” for pretty much everything. I can show you on Monday–we’ll figure it out!

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