Blog Entry 6: Final Project Brainstorming

The topic that interested me the most was ancestry.

1.) Ancestry interested me because first off I don’t know much about my families ancestry and second I think there are some very cool ways I could depict ancestry with photoshop.

2.) I know the basics of ancestry meaning I know what the word means. The reason I chose ancestry was because I wanted to use my family, so I know a little bit about my families ancestry but nothing past 2 or 3 generations.

3.) I wanted to get a deeper understanding of my families ancestry. As in where my roots come from, who helped build this family and how I got here today.

4.) I think the most cliché image for this topic would be to involve a family tree. Anything with ancestry screams family tree so I definitely need to stay away from that.

5.) Ancestry is an important part of who you are. It is your background and it is how you became who you are today so it is import that people know their background.

6.) I will discuss this object by using a creative unoriginal idea. My thoughts so far would be using me as the focus if the image and having my thoughts being depicted. In my depicted thoughts you will see different scenes and objects which factor into my ancestry somewhat telling a story. Another thought was to have me as the focus, but have different parts of my body covered in images that depict my families history.

7.) I think I will be able to get people interested in my topic by creating something that one makes sense and is capable of being understood. Two, I will depict ancestry as an important part of ones life to help people understand and want to look into their own ancestry.

Group Jointer Project

Photoshop generated version.                                          Collage version.                                                 Homemade photoshop version.

The most frustrating thing about this project to me was the photoshop generated part. Photoshop would not put more than 3 or 4 images together at once. The most exciting part was the homemade photoshop version because it allowed us to take our own photos and shape and mold them into a perfect collage. I think our homemade photo shop version is our best because we changed the size and shapes of the image creating a more diverse and well formed collage. Photoshop was definitely not able to make the same decisions that we were. Hockney feels that photoshop does not express movement well and is incapable of projecting a good image. He is right in this case because our photoshop generated image is poorly crafted compared to both of our other collages. I believe that photoshop is a tool for creation as a brush is a tool for painting. The user is making the art but photoshop just assists. I still believe these creations are art, just simply in a different form.


Blog Entry 4

In this image I placed a cruise ship in a small pond, and in the background I placed a storm. I purposefully left space between the mountains and the storm to make it appear as if the storm is far away.