Homework 8
I learned lot of things in art class for example Perspective drawing is the one of the most challenging for me. In perspective drawing there are three dimensional feeling to a flat image such as drawing or painting. The three important tools the horizon lines, vanishing points, and vanishing lines. For my drawings, it was hard to make it accurate by looking at the objectst or picture but I think I did good work fulfilling the criteria of the assignment in terms of using perspective. I think that my project #5 has an overall sense of depth. I used shading to the walls and stuff that I drew and for my window and wall picture I shade little bit to make it accurate so viewers can see it. Project #5 and other project was the challenging and good practice for me I learned how to draw just by looking at objects.
Homework 7 GE
Lee Krasner was a strong participant in the abstract expressionist movement. She was born on October 27, 1908, in New York to Russian- Jewish refugees in Brooklyn parents who had fled Odessa. She was born to the name Lena krassner and changed it to Lenore- Lee for short- in addition to dropping one of the “S” in her last name. At the time, there wasn’t much motivation or resource for young female artists as it wasn’t a typical career choice, but Lee wanted the best education possible, so she decided to enroll in one of the only high schools offering art classes for women. Later on she attended the women’s art school. at cooper union and the national academy of design. After schooling, she joined the American abstract artist group from which she was introduced to her future husband Jackson pollock. Jackson pollock was an abstract expressionist painter as well, well known for his drip paintings. Lee Krasner was well known for taking her own art and collaging it together into new pieces of art. This unfortunately meant that the surviving work list is relatively small since her work was always being repurposed. Her husband died in 1956 after drunk driving. She decided to take over his studio space in the barn back behind their house and continue on working. After his death, Krasner’s work focused more on nature and she created some of her more famous paintings like The season (1957) and gaea (19660. Later on she had her first solo exhibition 1965 and then had another one in 1975. She passed away peacefully of natural causes in 1984.
Lee Krasner’s work falls under the abstract expressionist movement which means that her work doesn’t hold a particular conventional shape, and it doesn’t resemble a realist work of a photograph. Her work embrace the fundamental principles of color and line to create unique pieces that are all different but fit within a collective body.
Work cited
Gabriel, Mary. “ Ninth Street Women.” Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement that Changed Modern Art (New York: Little Brown & Company, 2018). https://www.moma.org/artists/3240.
Lee Krasner: MoMA. www.moma.org/artists/3240
Homework 6
7 bullet points
- All vertical lines should be parallel
- Don’t draw from what you think, draw from what you see
- The vanishing points should be located on the horizon line (in 2- point perspective)
- A ruler might be helpful for visualization and to make lines straight, but it is not required
- If you need to draw a circle, draw a square in the correct perspective first
- All non-vertical lines should be angel toward one of the vanishing points
- Using guidelines helps us find the right angel and position of the objects and one-point perspective can be used what looking at a flat and three-point perspective can be used when looking up or down at a building
Homework 5
Lee Krasner
She painted in the American abstract expressionist movement focused more on painting with emotion and what is on the insider rather than physical representations of objects. She produced works characterized by a sensuous painterly style, her large scales collages often formed the artists own cut up paintings and drawing. she was the wife of Jackson Pollock. Her work is very colorful, and the forms of some figures appear to almost fit in the surrealist categories.
Eva Hesse
She was a sculptor in the abstract expressionist movement. she known by one of the first to work with synthetic materials like fiberglass, latex, and plastic and she was also best known for her innovative sculptures for the time and style in which they were made. She focused her work on minimalism and used commonly found materials to make her sculptures.
Royal Art Lodge
They are a collaborative group of artists that work to create pieces together. He is a Canadian postwar and contemporary artist. Their work was featured in several exhibitions at key galleries and museums. These pieces are on a brightly colored background and typically include some of sort of text, and an animal holding a pen to stimulate drawing the picture.
Homework 3
Value bullet points
- Value chart helps define the form objects being drawn or painted.
- Value chart helps an artist to look at the darkest and lightest possible shade
- Value charts helps create an illusion of 3 dimensions, volume, and a sense of reality in a drawing
- Value chart help in controlling the brightness of the drawing
- Value chart helps help with the lightness or darkness of a color to visualize the possible shades
Homework 2
The secret of drawing 1 – The line of Enquiry The First artist interviewed is actually one of Britain’s leading heart surgeons, Francis Wells who uses drawing to no only prepare for the details of an operation but also explain a replay of the procedures to his team. He actually uses blood from the open chest cavity of the patients to draw on paper while he waits for the heart stabilize. Wells is fascinated by the drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci. He studies them to see what da Vinci was trying to explain through his heart studies, and even uses things he has learned from the centuries- old works for his modern surgery . The great 18th century scientist artist George Stubbs followed in this footsteps of Da Vinci’s curiosity and Cassiano’s thoroughness and in turn, discovered much more by studying horses than he needed to know to paint horses . through comparative anatomy he asked the question that Charles Darwin answered in the theory of evolution about how humans relate to other species. John Russell who drew the moon in the 18th century through a telescope with such accuracy that his five foot square drawing could easily be mistaken for a photograph, he looks at the moon during night time because you can see the moon clearly in shape. Russell makes omplexion notes to make him easy while drawing. He make sure he takes him time and draw accuracy with help of telescope in full details of his drawing .
Homework 1
Here is the link to my blog for this class(Art 2100)