Prescription Drug Spend in United States
Healthcare premiums and deductibles have dramatically increased in the last decade, which is certainly putting a strain on families and employers. One of the largest cost drivers of this is the rapidly increasing prescription drug spending in the United States. This video explores the rise in healthcare expenditures and the potential of biosimilars to impact the cost of biologic medications.
Infliximab Data on Safety and Efficacy
This video highlights impactful studies that evaluated the safety and efficacy between infliximab biosimilars and the originator and switching from the originator to the biosimilar.
Adalimumab Data on Safety and Efficacy
This video highlights impactful studies that evaluated the safety and efficacy between adalimumab biosimilars and the originator, switching from the originator to the biosimilar, and interchangeability.
The cost savings are not much for infliximab biosimilars, < 10% most times, and it is very unclear if the cost savings are benefitting patients, reducing premiums, or going to profits to insurance/Pharmacy companjies
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We are working on writing up a project right now that shows that since biosimilars have been introduced it has created competition and significant decreases in the total cost per vial and infusion. We have a poster #384 at NASPGHAN on Friday October 5th, we will be presenting our data.
At our institution (Nationwide Children’s Hospital) the infliximab biosimilars and unbranded Remicade is priced ~40-60% less than branded Remicade.
I agree the cost savings need to be shared with patients. Mouslim MC published in Value Health 2020 that patients with high cost sharing plan saw a small decrease in out of pocket costs for the Filgrastim biosimilar. Although, this was not seen across all plans.
Insurance premiums and deductibles are increasing at rapid rates, which maybe due to increase pharmaceutical costs. Hopefully the decrease in medication costs get passed along to patients in out-of-pocket costs and premiums and not just profits for insurance companies.